Thursday, January 16, 2025

Challenging False Thinking

In the last 13 years of writing this blog, I have never shied away from addressing an elephant in the middle of the room. If there is an ugly issue which is bugging me, I write about it. If I’m not proud of my reaction to something or someone, I write about it. And so after the election at the end of last year, I wrote about it. One person on my email list said they expect spiritually uplifting words from me, and wanted to be removed from my list. She even used the words “political nonsense” when describing what I had written. Although I am dedicating this year to joy and happiness, I’m almost certain there will be political references. I think we should all challenge deceit and erroneous statements. We are being called upon to reinvent our country, from the bottom up. Truth must replace erroneous words. Inhumane actions need to be called out for what they are. I will not ask for forgiveness, as I’m not placing any blame upon myself. Namaste, dear friends …

“A miracle is a correction introduced into false thinking by me. It acts as a catalyst, breaking up erroneous perception and reorganizing it properly. This places you under the Atonement principle, where perception is healed. Until this has occurred, knowledge of the Divine Order is impossible.”
A Course in Miracles T-1.I.37:1-4

“There is magic in the intuitions of Reality, the self-revealing knowledge that is Soul which we see as old things passing away, and all things becoming new.”
Margaret Laird, from “We are the World We Walk Through”

“Right and wrong, truth and error, will be at strife in the minds of students, until victory rests on the side of invincible truth. Mental chemicalization follows the explanation of Truth, and a higher basis is thus won; but with some individuals the morbid moral or physical symptoms constantly reappear.”
Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 453:6-11

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