Friday, January 31, 2025

I Don’t Have to Agree With My Thoughts

Creation from Sandy Wythawai Starbird

The first thought you have in the morning sets the feeling of the day. I’ve said this many times in these writings, and I always try to awaken with the recitation of a spiritual truth and a happy thought. But this morning I woke up with the words of a power-hungry man in my head, complete with the vision of his maniacal face imprinted in my memory. It was a great comfort to go to the Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson for today, which reminded me that “I am not a victim of the world I see.” And then Coreen Walston and Nouk Sanchez helped me understand how it is possible to hear awful things, without feeling victimized. Coreen said: “Let everything just move through, peacefully, noticing thoughts as they pass through our awareness, without agreeing with them or colluding with them.” Thank you, sister Coreen! Later in the day I heard Joe Dispenza talking about quantum physics, explaining why our thoughts affect everything around us. He mentioned that our brain can’t tell the difference in something that has actually happened and something which we are imagining happening. This all seems to tie together and I’ve been pondering it all day. Your comments will be appreciated!

“Have faith in only this one thing, and it will be sufficient: God wills you be in Heaven, and nothing can keep you from it, or it from you. Your wildest misperceptions, your weird imaginings, your blackest nightmares all mean nothing. They will not prevail against the peace God wills for you. The Holy Spirit will restore your sanity because insanity is not the Will of God. If that suffices Him, it is enough for you. You will not keep what God would have removed, because it breaks communication with you with whom He would communicate. His Voice will be heard.”
A Course in Miracles T-13.XI.7:1-7)

“The verity of Mind shows conclusively how it is that matter seems to be, but is not. Divine Science, rising above physical theories, excludes matter, resolves things into thoughts, and replaces the objects of material sense with spiritual ideas.”
MaryBaker Eddy - Science & Health Page 123:11-15

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