Friday, January 31, 2014

February 1, 2014 - See Love in Every Reflection

"Eureka Thyme"
photo by Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #32:
“I have invented the world I see.”

I often wonder if we are hesitant to live from the heart because others will think we're foolish. When we insist on seeing as God sees rather than through the interpretations of human belief, we are often looked at askance! Shortly before Christmas, there were two large purchases made in my retail establishment. Shortly after Christmas, these checks given in payment were returned unpaid -- not because of insufficient funds, but because the account was frozen. I was advised by fellow shopkeepers and friends to take legal measures to get the money. This did not feel right to me. Instead, I wrote the woman a letter explaining my position; telling her that I wasn't a large business which could absorb the cost of bad debt; that our items were made by real people, with love, and weren't meaningless trinkets. After two weeks, I hadn't heard from her and so I checked with the authorities as to what my options were. And it turns out there were none, other than filing a civil lawsuit against her. I have often said that nothing was so horrible as to cause me to file suit against someone, and so this wasn't an option. So I waited to hear what to do. One of the pieces of art she had taken was very special to both the artist and me.The thought came to send her the artist's explanation of her art. When she received this, she immediately called us saying she had every intention of paying the debt. Others who knew of this situation were happy to hear about this, but immediately had questions as to when and how she would do so. But this doesn't matter to me. I know all is well. I don't need details, but will continue to see her spiritual perfection every time I think of her, seeing a world of Love in every reflection.  

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts." Science & Health Page 261:4-7

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 31, 2014 - What is Truth?

"Save the Ozarks"
digital depiction by Edward C Robison III
ACIM Workbook Lesson #31:
"I am not the victim of the world I see"   

Recently our book club of wonderful women met and discussed The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey. This author led environmental activists in the 1970s by waking us up to what we were doing in the name of progress. Our discussions turned to the topic of environmental destruction being perpetrated by utility companies in our area. In our distress, one friend stated emphatically that she just wanted to know the truth. What is the truth of this and other situations, and how do we find out what that is?? It's very easy to feel victimized in these situations. It seems as though "they" are going to do whatever they want and come up with reasons why it's necessary. I don't know and don't want to wonder why things are as they are. But I am excited and expectant of good as I watch individuals doing things to improve communications and provide knowledge! We each are doing this in our individual ways. One of my heroes is a man named Michael Moore who has dared question powers that be on topics most are afraid to broach. His latest documentary I watched is "Capitalism: A Love Story". While he shows us transgressions of government and corporations, he also tells of individuals and businesses that dare to challenge the accepted standards and make a difference. He gives us hope by showing us how we, too, can carry a light and spread it to others. And while we can never know what material truth is, as it is ever-changing and fickle, we can know spiritual Truth and allow it to lead our way.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Man is tributary to God, Spirit, and to nothing else. God's being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss."

Science & Health Page 481:2-4

January 30, 2014 - Sight to Vision

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #30:
"God is in everything I see because God is in my mind."

Seeing everything as a part of us by looking within rather than without is the point of today's exercise. And this is not limited to what we can see with our eyes in the limited proximity of them. Close your eyes and see what pops into your thought and include that in your knowing. We are working toward changing sight to vision. I look at my sweet dog and see my experience of him. I close my eyes and envision all the Love expressed by all the dogs I have known. I feel the Love expressed by my parents and children and friends. I can feel the warmth of a spring day, smell the earth and flowers, see past my limiting thoughts to the ideas of Soul. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"It is the illumination of the spiritual understanding which demonstrates the capacity of Soul, not of material sense. This Soul-sense comes to the human mind when the latter yields to the divine Mind." Science & Health Page 85:2-6

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 29, 2014 - Everything I See

ACIM Workbook Lesson #29: 
"God is in everything I see". 

A dear friend, Patricia Robinett, has recorded these daily workbook lessons, which can be found on youTube by searching for Auntie Patricia.  She also posts them on her Facebook page. Before starting to write, I went there to listen to this lesson. Following her post, someone had asked if God is in "rapists, pedophiles, and murderers". Mary Baker Eddy tells us that the word "in" is obsolete if used in reference to Spirit, or Deity. So just a slight change in thought would render the statement to be that God is Everything.  Where does that leave evil? "Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is unreal, temporal." (MBE) Evil is a mortal belief, often seeming vividly real. But it's not, because the only true reality is spiritual. To see past the material miasma to the spiritual Truth takes practice. And that's what we're doing today. I'm so glad we're doing it together!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"God is individual, incorporeal. He is divine Principle, Love, the universal cause, the only creator, and there is no other self-existence. He is all-inclusive, and is reflected by all that is real and eternal and by nothing else. He fills all space, and it is impossible to conceive of such omnipresence and individuality except as infinite Spirit or Mind. Hence all is Spirit and spiritual."

Science & Health Page 331:18-25

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 28, 2014 - What is This Really?

"Altai Mountain, Mongolia"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #28:
"Above all else, I want to see things differently."

Today's lesson asks us to give up any notions we have concerning the meaning of anything and everything. By doing this, we cease to look at a thing and start to look at the consciousness which sustains it. With enough practice, we can see everything as God revealed. When we begin asking what things are rather than telling them what they are, interesting answers may be coming our way. For instance, the way we, as a society, punish wrong-doing: Does our present system of retaliation and retribution actually accomplish anything? In reading a book, "The Buddhist and the Terrorist", an alternative to the treatment of a murderer is explored. This book is one of many which encourage me to see differently, to see myself as God sees me, to continue asking mySelf how that sight is gained and kept, to practice the Presence in every moment.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"The objects cognized by the physical senses have not the reality of substance. They are only what mortal belief calls them." Science & Health Page 311:26-28

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 27, 2014 - One Thing Have I Desired ...

"Montana Sunrise"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #27:
"Above all else, I want to see."

It's often said that waking up to Truth is simple, but not easy. It takes a dedicated desire to see, to know. It takes discipline of thought, of word, of action. It is suggested that we repeat these few words as often as possible today: "Above all else, I want to see." This has been the advice of many seers throughout the ages who have told us that this is "the way". The way to what? The way to everything! Yet no formula or ritual is involved. There is no dogma nor any form of worship. The path is an individual one and only you can know what it is. All we need do is admit that more than anything else we want to see; we want to know God.  Know thyself. One thing have I desired …

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
Question.--What is God?
Answer.--God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love."

Science & Health Page 465:6-8

Saturday, January 25, 2014

January 26, 2014 - Nothing Unreal Exists

"Montana Morning"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #26
"My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability."

In the introduction of A Course in Miracles textbook is the following statement: “Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.” At first glance this may seem to make no sense! But when you think of reality as being the creation of divine Love, the reflection of God (Love), and this is all that is real, then anything unlike God, good, is nonexistent -- hence its unreality is exposed. The realization that all attack comes from within is an eye-opener! When we worry about lack of money, or possible illness, or what our neighbor might do, these are thoughts which seem to attack our invulnerability.  Actually our invulnerability as an expression of God cannot be attacked, but we certainly can think of ourselves as weak victims of life's circumstances. Through a conscious choice to reject the unreality of material existence and claim our heritage as powerful spiritual beings, unafraid to stand up and declare our Oneness with God and all Its creation, we are able to transcend the fears we have thought to be inevitable. I love the new world which is being revealed through this understanding!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"Every law of matter or the body, supposed to govern man, is rendered null and void by the law of Life, God. Ignorant of our God-given rights, we submit to unjust decrees, and the bias of education enforces this slavery." Science & Health Page 380:32-4

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