Thursday, July 10, 2014

Julyl 11, 2014 - Forgiveness is the Avenger

ACIM Workbook Lesson #192
“I have a function God would have me fill.”

This function I am to fill is forgiveness. How often have you heard it said that we must remember some horrendous event, that we must never forget? Throughout the ages, we've heard these words (or something similar) so often that we think there is a mandate telling us that this is the way to handle our hurt. From the Holocaust to 9/11, these words resound over and over in memory. By releasing this type of fear and hatred and disgust, we clear the way for something else to appear: the reality of our Being, the wholeness of this Life, the beauty of Love. This is not a weakness, but the ultimate strength. Today I want to build on this until it overtakes me. I want to know Truth until illusion is pushed away. In mercy I find freedom. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Not to avenge one's self upon one's enemies is the command of almighty wisdom; and we take this to be a safer guide than the promptings of human nature. To know that a deception dark as it is base has been practiced upon thee, and yet not to avenge thyself, is to do good to thyself; is to take a new standpoint whence to look upward; is to be calm amid excitement, just amid lawlessness, and pure amid corruption."

Miscellaneous Writings Page 228

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 10, 2014 - Child of Divine Love

"Sunrise at OMS"
photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #191
“I am the holy Son of God Himself.”

There's a young woman who works in a market I frequent. I was surprised when she told me she had been gone for almost a year. Time is so elastic! She tells me she got married and it was a horrible experience. She said she didn't think she could ever look at herself in the mirror without blame. She wanted to tell me details, but I asked her not to. I told her she's the reflection of divine Love and that nothing could change that. I suggested she walk in the woods, plant some flowers, get plenty of exercise. She said there was nothing she would rather do than walk in the woods and talk to God, but that she didn't know where to go. I suggested a beautiful spot out of town called the Outdoor Meditation Sanctuary (OMS). When I described it to her, she began to cry and thanked me profusely for telling her. We all have times we need to hear about our true, pure Being.  Namasté ~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Immortal and divine Mind presents the idea of God: first, in light; second, in reflection; third, in spiritual and immortal forms of beauty and goodness. But this Mind creates no element nor symbol of discord and decay. God creates neither erring thought, mortal life, mutable truth, nor variable love.”

Science & Health Page 503:20-25

July 9, 2014 - Leaving Old for New

Mt. Timpanogos Goats
ACIM Workbook Lesson #190
“I choose the joy of God instead of pain.”

I woke up this morning wishing I didn't need to speak at all today. I didn't even go to the farmers' market, nor did I attend an early-morning monthly meeting scheduled for today. Instead I spent a few hours with some of my favorite metaphysical teachers, via their books and videos, then went for a long walk with my dog around Black Bass Lake. I feel brand new! I realize we can't always have the luxury of choosing peace in our every surrounding, but we can choose it in our thought. I find days like today make it easier to know that peaceful joy no matter where I am. Namastè ~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Willingness to become as a little child and to leave the old for the new, renders thought receptive of the advanced idea. Gladness to leave the false landmarks and joy to see them disappear, — this disposition helps to precipitate the ultimate harmony." 

Science & Health Page 323:32-4

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 8, 2014 - The Art of Loving People

ACIM Workbook Lesson #189
“I feel the Love of God within me now.”

I was at a gathering of friends this evening and the talk turned to traveling and the problems which arise concerning transportation. Someone made the observation that we remember the really bad things and the really good things. In listening to their recounting of these events, it seems the line between a bad experience and a good one is very thin. One woman told of muddled connections in transportation being smoothed out by someone offering to make her a sandwich. She was tired and hungry, and this loving gesture from a stranger made everything all better. I would love to write a book called "The Art of Loving People". It could be based around all the beautiful stories of us being kind to each other. The Love which is God is everywhere! All we need do is clear the way to feel it and express it.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way. Right motives give pinions to thought, and strength and freedom to speech and action. Love is priestess at the altar of Truth."

Science & Health Page 454:17-21

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 7, 2014 - Oh, What a Love!

ACIM Workbook Lesson #188
“The peace of God is shining in me now.”

This photo of Ken and Sandy Starbird is my very favorite one. I first met these artists when they came to my gallery seeking representation. No, that's not right. They presented themselves and we all saw at least a glimmer of why we were being brought together. Our association grew into friendship and loving appreciation. Seven weeks ago, Ken was told he had a brain tumor which was termed aggressive. I've always admired their interaction with each other. There is a palpable trust and respect running through their pure and passionate love for each other. In these past few days, I've witnessed an all-encompassing peace surrounding them. They know Love is eternal, and they have inspired me to live Its ever-presence. As I ponder metaphysical statements on physical so-called death, I see that all of us can transcend material belief and see what is just out of sight. As we are told today, "Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all." Here's to you, Ken and Sandy! Cheers for leaving behind the fear and embracing the Love!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Truth and Love enlighten the understanding, in whose "light shall we see light;" and this illumination is reflected spiritually by all who walk in the light and turn away from a false material sense.”

Science & Health Page 510:9-12

Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 6, 2014 - What Blesses One Blesses All

ACIM Workbook Lesson #187
“I bless the world because I bless myself.”

If I have something and give it away, ,my material belief is that I don't have it any longer. I am learning through these studies that giving will increase what I possess. I am also learning that things represent thoughts. I am discovering that when I give ideas away they become stronger in everyone's mind. The form is often changed in what we give and and what we receive, but it never leaves us lacking. Thoughts and ideas cannot be lost, whereas material form is constantly changing. By allowing ourselves to bless ourselves, we bless the world. 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“In the scientific relation of God to man, we find that whatever blesses one blesses all, as Jesus showed with the loaves and the fishes,--Spirit, not matter, being the source of supply.”

Science & Health, Page 206:15-18

Friday, July 4, 2014

July 5, 2014 - Accepting My Function

photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #186
“Salvation of the world depends on me.”

Would you feel uneasy, perhaps arrogant, if you say that salvation of the world depends on you? I know I would have in the past, but that was before I realized that the opposite is true. The realization that we are united with God and all that Is is a humbling experience. It's easy to get this concept backwards, believing that if we recognize our oneness with God, we are displaying braggadocio. I have found boastful behavior comes about from thinking that my material, personal beliefs are more valid than the experience I share with God. The surrender necessary to allow myself to want nothing other than to know God is a yielding of my self-important intellectual sureness. The gratitude I feel from the realization of our unity is priceless. Namastè ~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "God creates all forms of reality. His thoughts are spiritual realities. So-called mortal mind — being non-existent and consequently not within the range of immortal existence — could not by simulating deific power invert the divine creation, and afterwards recreate persons or things upon its own plane, since nothing exists beyond the range of all-inclusive infinity, in which and of which God is the sole creator. Mind, joyous in strength, dwells in the realm of Mind. Mind’s infinite ideas run and disport themselves. In humility they climb the heights of holiness." Science & Health 513:28-9

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