Monday, July 7, 2014

July 8, 2014 - The Art of Loving People

ACIM Workbook Lesson #189
“I feel the Love of God within me now.”

I was at a gathering of friends this evening and the talk turned to traveling and the problems which arise concerning transportation. Someone made the observation that we remember the really bad things and the really good things. In listening to their recounting of these events, it seems the line between a bad experience and a good one is very thin. One woman told of muddled connections in transportation being smoothed out by someone offering to make her a sandwich. She was tired and hungry, and this loving gesture from a stranger made everything all better. I would love to write a book called "The Art of Loving People". It could be based around all the beautiful stories of us being kind to each other. The Love which is God is everywhere! All we need do is clear the way to feel it and express it.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way. Right motives give pinions to thought, and strength and freedom to speech and action. Love is priestess at the altar of Truth."

Science & Health Page 454:17-21

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