Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Identical Identities

Courtesy of Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #252
“The Son of God is my Identity."

I find that it’s much easier to see myself as the experience and expression of divine Love than it is to see others as such! I may find myself being glad I’m not like that “Samaritan over there”, or I may think someone’s actions are foolish and unnecessary, or — well, I don’t think I’ll go on with these examples. I’m sure you get where I’m going with this. The secret, if you will, of realizing Oneness is accepting that there is really, truly no difference in anyone who is the idea of divine Mind — and that means you and me and that guy over there, too. I love the picture I’m using today to illustrate these thoughts. It perfectly shows how easy it is to look at another with judgmental eyes and unloving thoughts. If these thoughts try to jump into my head today, I think I’ll just say “no”!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Identity is the reflection of Spirit, the reflection in multifarious forms of the living Principle, Love."

Science & Health Page 472:20-22

Monday, September 7, 2015

What Do I Need?

photo by Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #251
“I am in need of nothing but the truth."

How reassuring it is to know I need nothing but the Truth! All worry and anxiety disappear when I'm not chasing something illusive which I can't quite name. Oh, sure, we may put lots of names on these things we seek in good faith, totally believing they will bring us the happiness we crave -- names like success, fame, marriage. The list of personal fulfillments we desire can be quite long. We are even encouraged to make lists of these goals, to create affirmations surrounding them, to hold them in thought until they become realities in our existence. At this point, I must quote a Bible verse: "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added unto you." And this kingdom is found within, in the understanding and acceptance of our Source!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
Truth not error, Love not hate, Spirit not matter, governs man.

Science & Health Page 420:3-4

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Unlimited Being

"Mt. Timpanogos Goats"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #250
“Let me not see myself as limited." 

Thinking of ourselves as unlimited contradicts everything we've been taught. Many of our first memories are of being told to be careful or else something dire will happen. Quantum physics is helping us to understand that form isn't as solid as we've been told. With that understanding, it becomes clear that many limitations we've placed upon ourselves are nothing more than beliefs in material laws. Limitations are discarded when an athlete breaks a record in the Olympics, or if someone performs a seemingly-impossible feat like lifting a car off of trapped loved ones. We've all heard people tell tales we think of as supernatural, such as falling great distances and feeling as though they landed on a cushion, or so-called incurable diseases disappearing.  Now, I'm not suggesting we exchange one human belief for yet another, but that we look to divine Mind to tell us the truth of our being and that we allow ourselves to be led in paths we wouldn't have considered otherwise. Thought is shifting so rapidly at this time! Let's not be afraid to listen.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“A mortal, corporeal, or finite conception of God cannot embrace the glories of limitless, incorporeal Life and Love. Hence the unsatisfied human craving for something better, higher, holier, than is afforded by a material belief in a physical God and man. ” Science & Health Page 258: 1-6

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Signs and Symbols

"Salt Flats in Utah"
photo from Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #249 “Forgiveness ends all suffering and loss."

I remember a time when so-called new age thought was not often spoken of in the media or anywhere other than the privacy of our homes. Now these new-old ideas are seen and heard everywhere. Every day we are witness to more proof that this shift in consciousness is happening now -- and we're talking about it! Thanks, Oprah! Even when these ideas are fictionalized, as in best-selling novels such as "The Lost Symbol", the possibilities presented are easily translated into plausible realities. This shift in consciousness allows us to naturally embrace peace and harmony. Through this change in perception, we are understanding Truth and learning to live It.  We each support this realization in our own individual way. Every instance of pure peace we feel, each yielding of our personal sense to spiritual sense, brings us closer to living Love, which is where we always have been, but we've forgotten. We are all needed at this time, to calm the tumultuous collective thought which fights the idea of such freedom!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Love, redolent with unselfishness, bathes all in beauty and light."

Science & Health Page 516:9-13

Friday, September 4, 2015

What, Me Worry?

photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #248
“Whatever suffers is not part of me."

I am reminded of a family friend from long ago. She was a wonderful, spiritually-aware person who showed me the Truth of today's topic. Over the course of a year, her husband passed on, her daughter was in a car wreck which left her in a coma for months before she died, and her house burned down. While I know she felt grief, I'm not sure there was despair. She always had a twinkle in her eye and a generous heart. When she herself passed on some 20 years later, I am told she went with a smile on her face. I often think of her. "Whatever suffers is not a part of me". This is not a heartless statement. It doesn't deny the feelings we have in favor of a hardness which excludes emotion. On the contrary! It's a pure Love which allows us to face hard times with a firm understanding of the beauty of Truth. After walking through the grief, we're free to see that nothing can touch our true Self or change the reality of Love.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“A blundering dispatch, mistakenly announcing the death of a friend, occasions the same grief that the friend's real death would bring. You think that your anguish is occasioned by your loss. Another dispatch, correcting the mistake, heals your grief, and you learn that your suffering was merely the result of your belief. Thus it is with all sorrow, sickness, and death. You will learn at length that there is no cause for grief, and divine wisdom will then be understood. Error, not Truth, produces all the suffering on earth.”

Science & Health Page 386:16-25

Thursday, September 3, 2015

I Was Blind, But Now I See!

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #247
“Without forgiveness I will still be blind."

The sight which appears with forgiveness is our topic today. In this lesson, we are told that sin is the symbol of attack. The words sin and forgiveness, have always been difficult for me to understand. I feel this is because they are not a part of our real Being, and so I recoil at the words as they have been presented in their many forms.  Today's workbook lesson is telling us of the nothingness of sin and the meaning of forgiveness. I think of sin as being anything -- anything at all  -- which separates us from the Love which is God., and this separation can only occur in belief, as it never really happened. What we call forgiveness isn't some sort of divine pardon, but a yielding within ourselves to the purity of our thought, without the impediments of holding on to memories of wrongdoing, resentment, and pains of all sorts.  This yielding includes the release of things which we think have been done to us, and things we think we have done to others, and things going on everywhere else. So let's choose again, rest in Love, and go and sin no more!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“As mortals gain more correct views of God and man, multitudinous objects of creation, which before were invisible, will become visible.”

Science & Health Page 264:13-15

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Panoply of Love

photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Lesson #246
“To love my Father is to love His Son."

"Clad in the panoply of Love, human hatred cannot reach you." This Mary Baker Eddy quote is one of my favorites, which I've always thought of as meaning that the human hatred others feel cannot reach me when I'm wearing the armor of divine Love. I now see that it includes the hatred I may feel toward others, also. It's very easy for me to think that I don't hate anyone or anything. Actually, it's a word I have pruned from my vocabulary and simply do not use. BUT if I am irritated by another's actions or words, or if I replay a past situation in my mind which caused anger in the past, or if I allow criticism to gnaw at me and I think of retaliatory statements which could have been said -- isn't that human hatred? Wearing this cloak of Love calms these nagging feelings and thoughts. I know that if I'm wearing the protection of Love, hatred cannot enter from inside or out!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"We acknowledge and adore one supreme and infinite God. We acknowledge His Son, one Christ; the Holy Ghost or divine Comforter; and man in God’s image and likeness."

Science & Health Page 497:5-8

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