Friday, September 30, 2016

Living Love

photo credit: Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #274 
“Today belongs to love. Let me not fear.”

I saw a movie in which a businessman was hit in the head, developed a blood clot, and became happy all the time. Since happiness cannot be contained and overflows with no expectations, wonderful things began to happen! He ran a very large, money-making-oriented company, which had always catered to the prospering of the business not the contentment of the employees. After he became happy, he built a daycare center, gave everyone raises in salary, and began to see money as a tool rather than a goal. Then his children were angry because the company wasn't making as much money and they were afraid. While he recognized what was important in life, his children wanted him to go back to his money-based way of living, fearing they wouldn't have enough. He was living Love; they were living fear. We see it every day, don't we? I vow today to support every act of Love-based living I see. While we can't set out to eradicate fear, we can scatter joy and happiness, and watch Love blossom.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: 
"PSALM XXIII [Divine love] is my shepherd; I shall not want. [Love] maketh me to lie down in green pastures: [love] leadeth me beside the still waters. [Love] restoreth my soul [spiritual sense]: [love] leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for [love] is with me; [love’s] rod and [love’s] staff they comfort me.
[Love] prepareth a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: [love] anointeth my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house [the consciousness] of [love] for ever."

Science & Health Page 577:4-18

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Disturbed or At Peace?

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #273
“The stillness of the peace of God is mine.”

“If we give way to a disturbance, let us learn how to dismiss it and return to peace.” [ACIM] This evening at a monthly gathering of friends, I was talking to someone about how to leave behind disturbing events and hold to the peace of which we speak today. It seems that when this woman wakes up in the night, her thoughts turn to troublesome things which seem to have no solution. Another friend spoke up and said that when this happens to her, she takes deep breaths and repeats the word, “thankful”. As she loses herself in her breath and gratitude, she peacefully returns to sleep. I like that a lot. We all have our ways of turning off this voice which is based in mortal mind, not divine Mind. I love hearing how others tune into the channel of peace, so let me know what you do! I love the realization that if we get lost in the insanity we have the choice of returning to tranquility!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“The calm and exalted thought or spiritual apprehension is at peace.Thus the dawn of ideas goes on, forming each successive stage of progress.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 506:11-14

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Cravings of Immortal Man

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Lesson #272
“How can illusions satisfy God's Son?”

Today's topic causes me to pause and ask myself if any illusions in the past few decades have been satisfying. During the "years that the locust ate" (as I tend to think of a particular 20-year period), I generally felt happy, but never complete or fulfilled. Years of substance abuse, flitting from man to man, and activities which kept me busy but never satisfied are what I refer to as the lost years. Looking back, I hardly recognize that person. It's not that I was mean or horrible or anything like that, but I was living a drama-filled life, going from one disaster to another, and finding solace by hiding in hedonistic pleasures. The peace which I've found from wanting nothing other than to know divine Love is astounding in its magnitude. When did I recognize the emptiness and want to fill in the blanks with true substance? Ultimately, it doesn't matter because now is all we have! Let's go forward with joy into what awaits us this day!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the cravings of immortal man.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page 60:31-32

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

We're Ready!

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #271
“Christ's is the vision I will use today."

Are we finally ready for the truth? I've heard it said that we, as a human race, can’t stand to hear Truth. I’m told this about everything from extraterrestrial life to religious doctrine, but I think we are ready for it! People say if the truth was told about everything, society would break down. It seems to me that might be a good thing, because our current belief systems don't appear to be be functioning too well! Perhaps everyone's dissatisfaction stems from the feeling that we’re being lied to everywhere we turn. A few centuries ago, a total eclipse of the full moon would cause many fear-based reactions when the orb turned red, disappeared, then reappeared. As the the truth has set us free from that irrational fear, so it can in other ways, allowing us to joyfully look up and say “Wow"! I think we're ready, don't you?!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

“Truth, independent of doctrines and time-honored systems, knocks at the portal of humanity.” Science & Health Page vii:13-15

Monday, September 26, 2016

Spiritual Vision or ---?

photo credit: Aaron Springston
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #270
“I will not use the body's eyes today.”

I find it’s more important than ever to see with the eye of divine Love. While I’ve become fairly good at saying, “You may be right about that”, and not replaying in thought things I find disagreeable, sometimes I get caught up in feelings from mass consciousness — at least that’s how I define an event which happened today. After a lovely afternoon of bridge, I came home and was doing chores. First I noticed my thoughts straying into a deluge of dread concerning environmental issues. Before I understood what was happening, I found myself loudly singing a song from the 70s by Country Joe and the Fish, having to do with being the “first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box”! I’m very grateful to be developing the tools required to turn away from error toward Truth — and this is what I did by reading a Bicknell Young article, listening to George Winston piano, and watching the birds! What brought on such concentrated disharmony in my thought? I could come up with lots of excuses, but I don’t feel the need to dissect unreality, only to affirm Love!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Spiritual vision is not subordinate to geometric altitudes. Whatever is governed by God, is never for an instant deprived of the light and might of intelligence and Life.”

Science & Health Page 215:11-13

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Face of Divine Love

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #269
“My sight goes forth to look upon Christ's face.”

Acknowledging that everything and everyone we look upon is the face of divine Love takes our perception to another level! With this sight, we do not need to see race or nationalities nor gender, there are no political parties for which to wave flags, and no enemies to fight against  nor allies to side with. I see beautiful things happening in our world. Long-held beliefs are being released in favor of an open-hearted acceptance of everyone as they are, not as we want them to be. Change can seem difficult, but our new perceptions of Life are a conscious choice by which we break free of habits and old thought patterns which have held us in bondage for far too long. Let’s celebrate our new-found sight today!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The eternal Truth destroys what mortals seem to have learned from error, and man's real existence as a child of God comes to light.” Science and Health Page 288:31–1

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Let It Be

photo credit: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #268
“Let all things be exactly as they are.”

“In love was I created, and in love will I remain forever.” [ACIM Lesson #268] One of my friends has a particularly hard time letting “all things be exactly as they are”. She plays events over and over in her mind, making suppositions about why things were said or done, and trying to find solutions to fix everyone involved. Recently, she received a phone call from a lifelong friend whom she hadn’t heard from in the past few years. She didn’t answer the call and was full of worries as to what she may have done wrong which caused her friend to break off contact with her. While I try not to laugh in the face of others’ distress, I couldn’t help myself this time! I quickly reminded her of The Four Agreements, specially “don’t make assumptions” and “don’t take anything personally”. After a brief conversation, she returned to her home and called her old friend. And sure enough, she had done nothing wrong, but her friend had been going through a rough time and needed a friendly shoulder to lean on. I think I’ll look on youTube for a recording of Let It Be, basking in its wisdom!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:

"Human sense may well marvel at discord, while, to a diviner sense, harmony is the real and discord the unreal.” Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures Page: 563: 1-3

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