Sunday, March 1, 2020

We Are All Meant to Shine!

The understanding that we are all the light of the world is liberating! So often when we catch glimpses of our light, we deny the sight in the name of humility, or a false sense of sinfulness, or perhaps because we can't accept something so perfect about ourselves. We are learning that true humility is accepting our divine function and proudly reflecting light, never hiding under a guise of smallness. This light is demonstrated in many ways, often contrary to what we've been taught.  Here are some words of wisdom from Marianne Williamson. Have a good Monday everyone!

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Finding Truth in Fiction

An upside down world seems normal to us. We have become accustomed to believing that the testimony of our physical senses is reality, while intuition is often discounted as being imaginary. Many of my favorite authors write about metaphysical concepts, and some of them use the genre of fiction to allow the leeway to take this new/old thought all the way, without the need for empirical evidence in support. And I applaud this method! What better way to introduce ideas to a skeptical audience than through the entertainment field? Dan Brown is an expert at this form of writing. He brings us thought-provoking concepts without asking us to accept them as true, such as in his book, "The Lost Symbol". Paulo Coelho gently hits closer to home in two of my favorite books, "The Alchemist" and "The Aleph". The enjoyment of these novels is softly preparatory for the life-changing concepts presented in A Course in Miracles and, also, Science & Health. Without prior opening of thought, the ideas contained in these books can be jarring indeed! We have been preparing for this opening of mind and heart for all eternity, and there is no time other than that, is there?

"In Spirit there is no matter, even as in Truth there is no error, and in good no evil. It is a false supposition, the notion that there is real substance-matter, the opposite of Spirit. Spirit, God, is infinite, all. Spirit can have no opposite." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 278

Friday, February 28, 2020

What Am I?

photo credit: Aaron Springston
What am I? This question has been asked from the beginning of recorded history -- and probably longer. Spiritual seers inform us that we are not a body. So if I am not a body, what am I? Intellectually, we can say that we are the reflection of God. We can tell ourselves and others that we're not material, we're spiritual. But then we'll stump our toe and declare that we can't be blamed if it hurts because we're not walking on water yet. We make jokes to explain why we aren't living the precepts which Jesus tells us are our heritage as children of God. But really, why is it that we've been so stunted in our realization of what all this means? Actually, we're not evolving slowly. There is no evolution involved in spiritual awakening, there is only getting rid of material belief and dogma. What we're doing now is cleaning the windowpane so the light has a transparency to flow through, rather than trying to look through thousands of years of grime which is hiding our illumination. What are we? We're finding out more every day, and that's the miracle! 

"Divine Science rolls back the clouds of error with the light of Truth, and lifts the curtain on man as never born and as never dying, but as coexistent with his creator." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 596:11-19

Thursday, February 27, 2020

No Condemnation

Having written about what I chose to give up for lent, I think an update on this effort is appropriate. Yesterday, I stated my goal was to drop judgment of others, or release past differences, or something similar things. In other words, I vowed to watch my thoughts and actions today, turning away from anything which was not a loving response. Fairly early in the day, Kevin asked me if I knew a local woman who wrote a book which he was reading. I responded that I did, and almost immediately told him something less than kind about her. Now mind you, I would have said this same thing to the woman's face. Which, actually, made it even worse in my mind! As soon as I said it, I felt uncomfortable. Upon examination, I realized it was simply unnecessary. Why should I make my opinion known because of something I remembered her saying years ago? This is exactly the type of thought and word I would like to relinquish, and even though I may not be rid of it, I'm happy that I recognized it as something I do not want to do. And since I didn't like my choice, I will happily choose again! For this, I am grateful...

"He will teach you how to see yourself without condemnation, by learning how to look on everything without it. 11 Condemnation will then not be real to you, and all your errors will be forgiven." A Course in Miracles 9.III.8.10

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Love for Lent

The lenten season means many things to many people. Some of us choose to see this as a time to give up behaviors which do not bring peace, dedicating this time to reconciling actions that have been less than conducive to harmony. For instance, something may be standing in the way of getting along with a neighbor, or perhaps angry words have broken a friendship. There are many things considered to be impediments to living a loving life. Today social media has told me about a multitude of ways to change my actions and become a better person. These memes, together with a homily given by a priest in an Ash Wednesday service where I provided musical accompaniment, have made me realize only one thing is needed, and that is to Love more. When someone espouses an inane or insane idea, I will love the spiritual reality of that person, not the erroneous material sense they are expressing. Every moment of the day, we have a choice: react from fear, or respond with Love. Let's find out what happens when we return to Love!

“The message of the crucifixion is perfectly clear: Teach only love, for that is what you are.” A Course in Miracles T.6.2

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


photo credit: Arthur Bruno
When my oldest son was in school, we watched a movie which we both thought was hilarious. Shortly afterward, he took the movie to a friend's house and shared it with her and her mother. The mother thought the movie was a tragedy and cried through most of it. This perfectly illustrates a statement in A Course in Miracles: "Perception is a mirror, not a fact. What I look on is my state of mind, reflected outward." Isn't that the truth!! I’m sure we can all remember times when you and someone interpreted things totally differently. I will try to remember this dichotomy when others look at something in a way I do not understand. Today I will strive to clear my mind, in order to allow Truth to melt away illusion.

“Corporeal sense, or error, may seem to hide Truth, health, harmony, and Science, as the mist obscures the sun or the mountain; but Science, the sunshine of Truth, will melt away the shadow and reveal the celestial peaks.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 299:26-30

Monday, February 24, 2020

Love is Prayer

photo credit: Heather Peters
A friend, who claims to be an atheist, brought up an interesting scenario which I’d never thought about before. He said one of his friends had asked him to pray for them, saying they had an incurable disease and wanted his prayers. He explained to the person that he was an atheist and he couldn’t do that. They begged him to do so anyway. He called me wanting to know what to do, mainly wondering what to say to them in order to not hurt their feelings by refusing. I assured him it wasn’t necessary to believe in a big guy in the sky who would grant favors if he asked; that it was perfectly acceptable to tell his friend he would send good thoughts to the universe, or something along those lines. Anything which expresses love is a gift, and one which may be given in a multitude of ways. Honestly expressing love to those in need flows freely to them, back to us, and circulates out to all! Let's never hesitate to express good will, best wishes, and Love!

“Truth has no consciousness of error. Love has no sense of hatred. Life has no partnership with death. Truth, Life, and Love are a law of annihilation to everything unlike themselves, because they declare nothing except God.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 243:25-29

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Art from Dorima on Pinvibe Crescent Dragonwagon made a Facebook post today in which she related going to the food market. After checking out...