Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Unseparated Idea of God


photo credit: Aaron Springston

You are the presence of God. Does this statement make you uneasy? Perhaps traditional theology has taught you that such an idea is sacrilege. Maybe you simply feel too inferior to accept yourself as Godlike. It's not so difficult to say that you are one with everything. We're happy to feel a connection with all things and often go on retreats and do workshops which help us feel this unity. But what does this thing called Oneness really mean? It could be taken wholly on a material basis, and you might say that we're all the same in our physical makeup of minerals and flesh, etc. You might be willing to go a step further and say we're all the same because God made us in Its image and likeness. Does it make you cringe to call God It rather than He? We're rather accustomed to anthropomorphizing God, making deity like us rather than the other way around. As we learn to accept and embrace our identity as the experience and expression of God, we learn we can proudly announce our goodness, our wholeness, even our perfection. This honors God and Its creation in a way that self-conscious deprecation or self-righteous pride cannot. What a beautiful day to explore what all this means in daily practice!

"God, without the image and likeness of Himself, would be a nonentity, or Mind unexpressed. He would be without a witness or proof of [Its] own nature. Spiritual man is the image or idea of God, an idea which cannot be lost nor separated from its divine Principle." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 303:25-30

Monday, July 5, 2021

Queen of the Sun


Photo credit: Kevin Wright

At this time of the year, I love revisiting a documentary called “Queen of the Sun". In this film about bees, we are told that pollen is materialized light. I love that, don't you? When thought of like this, it seems possible that we, too, are materialized light. We're also shown that the bee's light is freed through blocks of honeycomb, beautifully shared with all as sweet, beautiful honey. And yet again, the light is freed in the goodness of beeswax candles. The freeing of light is cumulative with the bees, and we can experience the same thing as we unshackle the light and peace and joy within ourselves. Another lesson from the bees is the importance of community. Watching them working together for a common cause is uplifting and inspiring to me. It makes me want to join with my neighbors and do something important. But wait -- I'm doing that! What blesses one blesses all. My awakening to light and joy and peace is yours, too. Bees, people, trees -- as infinite ideas, we're all in this together!

“Light is a symbol of Mind, of Life, Truth, and Love, and not a vitalizing property of matter. Science reveals only one Mind, and this one shining by its own light and governing the universe, including man, in perfect harmony.." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 510:27-1

Sunday, July 4, 2021

To Rant Or Not To Rant


photo credit: Aaron Springston

On this day of celebrating freedom and independence, I pause to think how difficult it is to keep my mouth shut — and wonder when I should and should not do so! For instance, someone was talking about Dunkin’ Donut coffee pods and how much they like them. I nearly told them how horrid pods were for the environment, and ​also had a desire to rant about coffee production killing songbirds. Then someone was talking about television and I almost began a lecture on hypnotism and mind control by corporations. So ​here ​I sit and ponder where to draw the line on this one. If I saw someone torturing an animal (or other living creature), I would step in and stop them. If someone was dumping their waste into a river, I would speak up and attempt to do something to change it. But what if someone is looking at life from a different perspective than mine, even if I feel it to be harmful? Do I have the right to impose my ideas on them? I know I must walk the talk and change the world by changing myself, but sometimes it’s difficult to keep quiet! Happy Independence Day...

“Watch carefully and see what it is you are really asking for. Be very honest with yourself in this, for we must hide nothing from each other. If you will really try to do this, you have taken the first step toward preparing your mind for the Holy One to enter.” ACIM Chapter 4: III.8

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Independence: Do You Have It?


photo credit: Aaron Springston

On this day of celebrating independence, I pause to examine what self-imposed shackles may still be holding me in bondage. There could be many things which keep me from feeling peace, but I don’t think I’m going to concentrate on those today. The fears, worries, habits, and such will fall away when I am single-minded in what I truly want. Do I have goals which I have set for myself, limiting in and of themselves, or am I willing to open myself to Spirit’s guidance? A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #185 tells us that if we really, truly want the peace of God, we will have it. I’m happy for this reminder to examine my motivesFor instance, why am I writing this right now? Is it for accolades from others, or is it to learn how to be open to and learn from what comes through me? Good question! I hope this recognition will allow me to be willing to examine my actions and words, stepping aside and wanting only Peace. Now there’s something to celebrate!

"A few immortal sentences, breathing the omnipotence of divine justice, have been potent to break despotic fetters and abolish the whipping-post and slave market; but oppression neither went down in blood, nor did the breath of freedom come from the cannon’s mouth. Love is the liberator." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 225:16-22

Friday, July 2, 2021

Listening Comprehension


photo credit: Aaron Springston

Communications can be tricky. The practice of quieting the mind is integral to listening. I've found that when thought is jumping about, it's impossible to truly listen to anything. One thought leads to another, and before you know it, you've gone all around the world and have no idea what's happening right in front of you. By the same token, if I want to hear from the point of spiritual discernment, it's pretty darn hard to do if my own self won't be quiet long enough to concentrate on a simple sentence in a book. This is always a good indicator: If I can't read and digest what I've read, then I'd best have a "time out" and quiet my monkey mind from its busy-ness! What a peaceful, harmonious world this will be when we all take time to quiet self-importance and listen for Self-knowledge.

"The point for each one to decide is, whether it is mortal mind or immortal Mind that is causative. We should forsake the basis of matter for metaphysical Science and its divine Principle." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 195:11-14

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Dwelling in Sadness - Or Not!


Crescent Hotel - Eureka Springs, AR

We all know people who seem to be chronically sad, don't we? They share a commonality of repeatedly replaying dismal and distressing events in their thought and conversation. I, too, have some gloomy memories which pop into my head occasionally. When this happens, there's a choice: I can relive the events mentally and/or verbally and thereby keep them alive, or I can acknowledge that they're still in my thoughts, but know that they are not the truth of my being. Yes, it happened (whatever it is). It's part of my material history, but my spiritual reality has not been touched by it. The peace brought by this understanding is priceless. I can be happy! Even in the midst of things which I may not think of as particularly joyful, I can give myself permission to be happy. It is, after all, my natural state of Being!

“Harmony is produced by its Principle, is controlled by it and abides with it. Divine Principle is the Life of man. Man’s happiness is not, therefore, at the disposal of physical sense.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 304:16-19

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Immortal Ideas


photo credit: Kevin Wright

Every prayer, every meditation, every expression of love is magnified exponentially. We have the power to change the world through ourselves, as each interaction identifies us with either a world of love or of fear. The same way in which we take personal responsibility for ourselves, our health, our well-being, we can take responsibility for a return to Love. Every thought contributes to the whole! We never know what difference a simple interaction could make in someone's life, and a single word or a smile may turn them away from reactive fear to healing love. The truth which corrects all errors in our mind is our ascension into heaven within. Never doubt that you matter, that you make a difference. Allow silence and listening to guide you in your role of being the change you want to see!

"Immortal ideas, pure, perfect, and enduring, are transmitted by the divine Mind through divine Science, which corrects error with truth and demands spiritual thoughts, divine concepts, to the end that they may produce harmonious results." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 259: 27-31

New Today

Wholeheartedly Happy

Photo courtesy of Blake Lasater “Oh, that magic feeling; nowhere to go.” This line from a Beatles song has always captivated me. I’m sure it...