Monday, April 10, 2023

Diversity of Thought United


Loving Out Loud in Basin Park - Eureka Springs, AR
Photo credit: Megan Kirk

Eureka Springs, Arkansas is a small town where various ideas meld into one cohesive thought. We have a 60-foot Jesus statue which overlooks a passion play that attracts thousands of people, mainly conservative thinkers, every year. We also have four diversity weekends which celebrate the LGBTQ Community. Everyone is invited to join us through a wide array of events. This past weekend there was an intersection of these two major attractions with a diversity weekend and a Jesus parade crossing paths in our historic downtown area. Many people were fearful that there could be altercations, since our state legislature has recently tried to pass laws banning drag shows, while also rabble rousing for the prohibition of many civil rights. Once again, we have witnessed common sense and kindness prevailing, led by the young people shown in the above photo. They are dancing to “We Are Family” And why not? Jesus was all about loving each other, and the rainbow kids have Love Out Loud shirts on. Let’s all give up our beliefs and preconceived notions based on past events, while following the lead of the pure in heart. Namaste…

“The unforgiving mind does not believe that giving and receiving are the same. Yet we will try to learn today that they are one through practicing forgiveness toward one whom you think of as an enemy, and one whom you consider as a friend. And as you learn to see them both as one, we will extend the lesson to yourself, and see that their escape included yours.” 

A Course in Miracles W-121.9:1-3

“Then white-robed purity will unite in one person masculine wisdom and feminine love, spiritual understanding and perpetual peace.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 64:22-24

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Innocence and Trust


Photo credit: Blake Lasater

On this beautiful Easter day, my son and I took a mid-day walk in our local cemetery. Since he walks faster and farther than I do, he went out on his own and I ambled along with many stops on benches to soak up sun and commune with nature. Across the way, I noticed a woman and her dog walking, and in a few minutes she drove up beside me in her car. She was someone I know well who wanted to tell me there was a suspicious man in the depths of the beautiful space and I should beware. After telling her that it was probably my son, she was embarrassed and wrote me a text later in the day telling me she was ashamed of the way she had jumped to conclusions. She said, “This made me sad because years ago no way would I have even thought a thing about seeing a person walking alone in the cemetery. I apologize. I want my innocence and trust back!” I think this is true of us all. We want the days when our children could play alone outside all day long with no worries of abductors or shooters. We don’t want to be afraid of the unknown, but rather to welcome the adventure. We have the power to change our thinking, thereby changing the world. Let’s give it a try!

“Innocence and Truth overcome guilt and error. Ever since the foundation of the world, ever since error would establish material belief, evil has tried to slay the Lamb; but Science is able to destroy this lie, called evil.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 568:1-5

“The Atonement itself radiates nothing but truth. It therefore epitomizes harmlessness and sheds only blessing. It could not do this if it arose from anything but perfect innocence. Innocence is wisdom because it is unaware of evil, and evil does not exist. It is, however, perfectly aware of everything that is true. The resurrection demonstrated that nothing can destroy truth. Good can withstand any form of evil, as light abolishes forms of darkness. The Atonement is therefore the perfect lesson. It is the final demonstration that all the other lessons I taught are true. If you can accept this one generalization now, there will be no need to learn from many smaller lessons. You are released from all errors if you believe this.” 

A Course in Miracles T-3.I.7:1-11

Saturday, April 8, 2023

It’s Your Party, Too

Art by Inge Löök Oy Ab 


You know that feeling, when you have daily cleaned, cooked and prepared for a big family get-together or party?

You bustle around doing everything and making sure everyone has a wonderful time and when you finally do get the chance to sit down and relax with your guests, it’s home time...

Don’t let that be the metaphor for your life.

Don’t let the moment you finally relax be a moment too far...

I guess what I am trying to say my friend is, don’t miss your own party because you wanted everyone to else to have the best time.


Now is the time to sit down, take a beat and chat with a friend or loved one.

Now is the time to eat, break bread and be merry.

Now is the time to be fully here.

Fully present.




Not after, not when ‘everything is perfect’.

The dishes can wait, this is your party, your life.

You’re invited too.”

Donna Ashworth

From my poetry book ‘LIFE’

“Glory be to God, and peace to the struggling hearts! Christ hath rolled away the stone from the door of human hope and faith, and through the revelation and demonstration of life in God, hath elevated them to possible at-one-ment with the spiritual idea of man and his divine Principle, Love.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 45:16-21

“You will not find peace until you have removed the nails from the hands of God’s Son, and taken the last thorn from his forehead. The Love of God surrounds His Son whom the god of crucifixion condemns. Teach not that I died in vain. Teach rather that I did not die by demonstrating that I live in you. For the undoing of the crucifixion of God’s Son is the work of the redemption, in which everyone has a part of equal value. God does not judge His guiltless Son. Having given Himself to him, how could it be otherwise?” 

A Course in Miracles T-11.VI.7:1-7

Friday, April 7, 2023

Become a Guardian of the Earth


A Water Crystal Treated Kindly

Dr. Masaru Emoto was a Japanese scientist who devoted his life to experiments which show that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm. He studied the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds, and intentions. He also experimented with grains of rice in water. One was spoken to kindly and politely; one was shouted at and abused; one was ignored. The one showered with kindness developed roots and thrived; the one treated rudely did okay; but the one ignored, turned into lifeless sludge. We must become a guardian of our environment. Mostly, we don’t give attention to where our water and food come from. We take it for granted; we ignore it. We can all become guardians, even if it is of a small space. Plant herbs in a flower pot on a windowsill and give them attention. Pick a spot in a local park and send it love. Sit with a few blades of grass and do a meditation. Attentive love is a force of nature. That’s a proven fact!

“There is a light in you the world can not perceive. And with its eyes you will not see this light, for you are blinded by the world. Yet you have eyes to see it. It is there for you to look upon. It was not placed in you to be kept hidden from your sight. This light is a reflection of the thought we practice now. To feel the Love of God within you is to see the world anew, shining in innocence, alive with hope, and blessed with perfect charity and love.” 

A Course in Miracles W-189.1:1-7

“As when an acid and alkali meet and bring out a third quality, so mental and moral chemistry changes the material base of thought, giving more spirituality to consciousness and causing it to depend less on material evidence. These changes which go on in mortal mind serve to reconstruct the body. Thus Christian Science, by the alchemy of Spirit, destroys sin and death.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 422:14-21

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Beautiful Spring


Blue Spring in Eureka Springs, AR
From Harrison Sutcliffe Photography

Springtime is so beautiful! Green shoots pushing through the soil cause my heart to beat just a bit faster in anticipation. I have an asparagus patch which is in its 4th year and the beautiful pesticide-free stalks have brought joy to my tastebuds and happiness to my eyes. The redbuds have shown their tenacity by continuing to bloom through a couple of freezing nights, and the dogwoods are right on cue for their Easter Sunday appearance. The daffodils are almost through showing off, and iris and peony are readying themselves to take their place. Waterfalls are flowing, people are kayaking on the rivers, and we’re all planting seeds and watching beautiful sunsets. I’ve been enjoying a youtube series called Danu’s Irish Herb Garden. It’s made by a lovely woman of a certain age who makes me want to forage for food. Life is good! 

“The periods of spiritual ascension are the days and seasons of Mind’s creation, in which beauty, sublimity, purity, and holiness — yea, the divine nature — appear in man and the universe never to disappear.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 509:24-28

“It is in your power to make this season holy, for it is in your power to make the time of Christ be now. It is possible to do this all at once because there is but one shift in perception that is necessary, for you made but one mistake. It seems like many, but it is all the same. For though the ego takes many forms, it is always the same idea. What is not love is always fear, and nothing else.” 

A Course in Miracles T-15.X.4:1-5

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Why Did They Kill Jesus?


Photo credit: Blake Lasater

I remember a time long, long ago when I was a child, asking my mother why the people killed Jesus. Oddly enough, she told me she didn’t know; that it made no sense to her either. I can only suppose she said this because she didn’t want me to be crucified by my little fundamentalist friends, because she knew I never could keep my mouth shut. She was an ardent student of the Bible and Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures, so I’m sure she knew exactly why religious leaders were afraid to let him live. He was preaching the doctrine of Love, which had nothing to do with taking an eye for an eye or persecuting others because they didn’t acquiesce to prescribed doctrine. We know it was not the heathens who nailed him to a cross and laughed at him for his new way of thinking. It was the religious leaders. These men who wanted to be in charge of everything and not let people know that the power was within them, they are the ones who tried to bury his teachings about God. In 2000 years we’re still afraid to speak truth to error. I applaud every one of you who question the nature of reality and the veracity of the leaders we follow!

“Led on by the grossest element of mortal mind, Herod decreed the death of every male child in order that the man Jesus, the masculine representative of the spiritual idea, might never hold sway and deprive Herod of his crown. The impersonation of the spiritual idea had a brief history in the earthly life of our Master; but ‘of his kingdom there shall be no end,’ for Christ, God’s idea, will eventually rule all nations and peoples — imperatively, absolutely, finally — with divine Science. This immaculate idea, represented first by man and, according to the Revelator, last by woman, will baptize with fire; and the fiery baptism will burn up the chaff of error with the fervent heat of Truth and Love, melting and purifying even the gold of human character. After the stars sang together and all was primeval harmony, the material lie made war upon the spiritual idea; but this only impelled the idea to rise to the zenith of demonstration, destroying sin, sickness, and death, and to be caught up unto God, — to be found in its divine Principle.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 566:9-27

“I have said that the crucifixion is the symbol of the ego. When it was confronted with the real guiltlessness of God’s Son it did attempt to kill him, and the reason it gave was that guiltlessness is blasphemous to God. To the ego, the ego is God, and guiltlessness must be interpreted as the final guilt that fully justifies murder. You do not yet understand that any fear you may experience in connection with this course stems ultimately from this interpretation, but if you will consider your reactions to it you will become increasingly convinced that this is so.” 

A Course in Miracles T-13.II.6:1-4

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Upside-Down Point of View?


Big Jesus Statue in Eureka Springs
Photo by Dale Johnson

The words crucifixion and resurrection mean different things to us all. Some images in memory may be rather gruesome, while many are joyful and celebratory. I see these words as representing the freedom which comes with our resurrection from the tomb of material belief. The Christ Idea is risen in all the beauty of divine Love, as our ascension in thought shows us the ultimate reality of Life. On a personal level, I see this as the acceptance of myself as the spiritual idea I Am; a letting go of the material thought-basis which binds me to unreality. Now is the time to rise in the spirit of Truth, to celebrate the transformation which comes with the renewal of my mind. Now is the time to realize that no one can give me salvation, because it's already mine. Now is the time to claim this salvation and wear it with a calm which only comes from yielding mortal mind's control. And I lay down the sword ---

“We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection served to uplift faith to understand eternal Life, even the allness of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter.

And we solemnly promise to watch, and pray for that Mind to be in us which was also in Christ Jesus; to do unto others as we would have them do unto us; and to be merciful, just, and pure.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 497:20-28

“If the crucifixion is seen from an upside-down point of view, it does appear as if God permitted and even encouraged one of His Sons to suffer because he was good. This particularly unfortunate interpretation, which arose out of projection, has led many people to be bitterly afraid of God. Such anti-religious concepts enter into many religions. Yet the real Christian should pause and ask, ‘How could this be?’ Is it likely that God Himself would be capable of the kind of thinking which His Own words have clearly stated is unworthy of His Son?” 

A Course in Miracles - Chapter 3, Atonement Without Sacrifice 

New Today

Make Room For the New

A new year symbolizes beginnings. Enjoy these words, and please send me whatever may be coming to your attention! Photo by Aaron Springston ...