Sunday, April 9, 2023

Innocence and Trust


Photo credit: Blake Lasater

On this beautiful Easter day, my son and I took a mid-day walk in our local cemetery. Since he walks faster and farther than I do, he went out on his own and I ambled along with many stops on benches to soak up sun and commune with nature. Across the way, I noticed a woman and her dog walking, and in a few minutes she drove up beside me in her car. She was someone I know well who wanted to tell me there was a suspicious man in the depths of the beautiful space and I should beware. After telling her that it was probably my son, she was embarrassed and wrote me a text later in the day telling me she was ashamed of the way she had jumped to conclusions. She said, “This made me sad because years ago no way would I have even thought a thing about seeing a person walking alone in the cemetery. I apologize. I want my innocence and trust back!” I think this is true of us all. We want the days when our children could play alone outside all day long with no worries of abductors or shooters. We don’t want to be afraid of the unknown, but rather to welcome the adventure. We have the power to change our thinking, thereby changing the world. Let’s give it a try!

“Innocence and Truth overcome guilt and error. Ever since the foundation of the world, ever since error would establish material belief, evil has tried to slay the Lamb; but Science is able to destroy this lie, called evil.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 568:1-5

“The Atonement itself radiates nothing but truth. It therefore epitomizes harmlessness and sheds only blessing. It could not do this if it arose from anything but perfect innocence. Innocence is wisdom because it is unaware of evil, and evil does not exist. It is, however, perfectly aware of everything that is true. The resurrection demonstrated that nothing can destroy truth. Good can withstand any form of evil, as light abolishes forms of darkness. The Atonement is therefore the perfect lesson. It is the final demonstration that all the other lessons I taught are true. If you can accept this one generalization now, there will be no need to learn from many smaller lessons. You are released from all errors if you believe this.” 

A Course in Miracles T-3.I.7:1-11

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