Friday, April 7, 2023

Become a Guardian of the Earth


A Water Crystal Treated Kindly

Dr. Masaru Emoto was a Japanese scientist who devoted his life to experiments which show that our thoughts and intentions impact the physical realm. He studied the scientific evidence of how the molecular structure in water transforms when it is exposed to human words, thoughts, sounds, and intentions. He also experimented with grains of rice in water. One was spoken to kindly and politely; one was shouted at and abused; one was ignored. The one showered with kindness developed roots and thrived; the one treated rudely did okay; but the one ignored, turned into lifeless sludge. We must become a guardian of our environment. Mostly, we don’t give attention to where our water and food come from. We take it for granted; we ignore it. We can all become guardians, even if it is of a small space. Plant herbs in a flower pot on a windowsill and give them attention. Pick a spot in a local park and send it love. Sit with a few blades of grass and do a meditation. Attentive love is a force of nature. That’s a proven fact!

“There is a light in you the world can not perceive. And with its eyes you will not see this light, for you are blinded by the world. Yet you have eyes to see it. It is there for you to look upon. It was not placed in you to be kept hidden from your sight. This light is a reflection of the thought we practice now. To feel the Love of God within you is to see the world anew, shining in innocence, alive with hope, and blessed with perfect charity and love.” 

A Course in Miracles W-189.1:1-7

“As when an acid and alkali meet and bring out a third quality, so mental and moral chemistry changes the material base of thought, giving more spirituality to consciousness and causing it to depend less on material evidence. These changes which go on in mortal mind serve to reconstruct the body. Thus Christian Science, by the alchemy of Spirit, destroys sin and death.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 422:14-21

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