Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January 5, 2012 - Other Reasons

ACIM Workbook Lesson #5
“I am never upset for the reason I think.”

[Marsha's thoughts]
A few hours before reading today's message, a friend shared with me a step into peace and out of worry which she experienced over the holidays. One of her daughters was very upset with her, for reasons which are not important to this writing. And my friend chose to not make those reasons important to her either. She was aware that her beloved daughter was upset, but she was also aware that she couldn't fix it. She knows that her peace doesn't depend on any outside source. When similar incidents occur in my life, I do take the time to examine my motives in the situation, and to realize that "Truth is not contaminated by error." As long as I am living in Truth, no amount of erroneous thought can affect my natural state of harmony. So I don't worry about why I may be upset, but reach to the other side of this emotion to realize the One reason I am at peace.
"Harmony is produced by its Principle, is controlled by it and abides with it. Divine Principle is the Life of man. Man's happiness is not, therefore, at the disposal of physical sense. Truth is not contaminated by error. Harmony in man is as beautiful as in music, and discord is unnatural, unreal."
Science & Health Page 304:17-22

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