A Course in Miracles Lesson #114
Review of: (97) I am spirit. (98) I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.
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"Mount Timpanogos" photo by Aaron Springston |
[Marsha's thoughts]
Many authors and visionary thinkers have told us that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience. The acknowledgement that "I am Spirit" IS "accepting my part in God's plan for salvation"! The knowledge that we are Spirit and the understanding of what that means, this brings acceptance through demonstration of Truth and Love. After writing about "rules" yesterday, today I, of course, have come upon two articles specifically about rules and have received one phone call where the caller was really questioning how understanding divine government allows us to be free. It seems change can be difficult. Perhaps this is why we find it hard to accept that we are so much more than we ever thought! We go along with the same behaviors, whether they're serving us or not, staying with the comfortable rather than opening ourselves to the field of all possibilities. For example, look how tied to the arrangement of our typing keyboards we are! I remember in the 1970s, IBM wanted to change the keyboard. They informed us it was not the most expedient arrangement of letters -- not by a long shot!! They told us how many of the most-used letters were assigned to fingers which were typically used the least, such as the little and ring finger. And there would be other changes, too. Such as exchanging the question mark and the slash. Why do we need to use the shift key for something which is used so much more than the other symbol? This option of testing a new keyboard was given to those of us who were on record as having IBM Selectric typewriters. Their project was cancelled for lack of interest. With that story in mind, I will stay aware today, watching and listening for ways to transform existence through an awareness of my true Identity.
Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Question.--What is the scientific statement of being?
Answer.--There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.”
Science & Health Page 468:8-15
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