Monday, June 17, 2013

June 18, 2013 - Preparing the Ground

"Thorncrown Chapel in
Eureka Springs, Arkansas"
ACIM Workbook Lesson #169
“By grace I live. By grace I am released.”

A goal of these teachings we study is to clear our minds of learned beliefs and behaviors, preparing a clean page for grace to be written. We are told that the reception of grace is past learning, yet it is the goal of learning. It is explained that grace is inevitable for the prepared mind. And so we plow and turn, sow seeds and pull weeds, allow lots of light to enter, water lovingly, and expect high yields from our planting. Yesterday evening, I attended a musical performance in a splendid setting. A fellow attendee said of our experience that she felt cleansed and nurtured. These types of activities are integral to preparation for reception of grace. They enable me to say, "God is, and then cease to speak, for in that knowledge words are meaningless."

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "We should strive to reach the Horeb height where God is revealed; and the cornerstone of all spiritual building is purity. The baptism of Spirit, washing the body of all the impurities of flesh, signifies that the pure in heart see God and are approaching spiritual Life and its demonstration." 

Science & Health Page 241:24-30 

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