Wednesday, May 14, 2014

May 15, 2014 - A Healed Mind

"Ancient Enigma"
sculpture by Ken Starbird
ACIM Workbook Lesson #135
"If I defend myself I am attacked."

There is so much to love in today's ACIM workbook lesson! A favorite point of mine is this: "A healed mind does not plan. It carries out the plans that it receives through listening to wisdom that is not its own. It waits until it has been taught what should be done, and then proceeds to do it." What freedom it is to realize we needn't be in charge of everything! Waking up in the morning, open to Spirit, God, allows us to be led in ways that wouldn't be obvious if we weren't listening. Of course, there are often parameters involved in our day, but that doesn't preclude our being open to thought about ways to think outside the box. Life is an adventure, and a harmonious one when we leave behind the desire to plan every moment of it!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"One says: 'I take good care of my body.' To do this, the pure and exalting influence of the divine Mind on the body is requisite, and the Christian Scientist takes the best care of his body when he leaves it most out of his thought ..."

Science & Health Page 383:5-9

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