Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 22, 2014 - Spiritualization of Thought

A Course in Miracles Workbook lesson #142:
Review of: #123 "I thank my Father for His gifts to me." #124 "Let me remember I am one with God." And our main thought to hold in these review lessons: "My mind holds only what I think with God."

Spiritualization of thought is said to be a slow process, and many people think they don't have "time", hence it's not worth the effort to try. To remember that I am One with God is a giant step toward this spiritualization. This puts our goal right where we are, here and now, rather than somewhere far off which we may or may not reach at some point in the future. I am One with God right now! To know this intellectually and to understand it from the core of your being are not the same thing. The hunger to think God's thoughts, the longing to know what my relationship is to divine Mind, these desires cannot be satisfied with words. Glimpses of Truth cause me to crave more. The rising above human belief may seem like the work of a lifetime, but the realization that you want to know God happens in a heartbeat. Listen ~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Before human knowledge dipped to its depths into a false sense of things,--into belief in material origins which discard the one Mind and true source of being,-- it is possible that the impressions from Truth were as distinct as sound, and that they came as sound to the primitive prophets.” 

Science & Health Page 213:30-3

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