Friday, October 31, 2014

November 1, 2014 - Pure Peace

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #305
“There is a peace that Christ bestows on us.”

What is the second coming? This is the question we've been exploring in these past few days. We are learning that it is an internal awakening. It involves seeing and feeling the never-beginning, never-ending Truth of our being. This burgeoning understanding has brought me the peace which intellectual reasoning never did. I see the world as a loving place, filled with people who care about each other and their environment. In the past, almost every day numerous people would tell me why they felt the world was a hate-filled place. Now it's a rarity. Have they changed or have I? Is there a difference if we're all One? Love = Peace = Harmony. Feel the Love!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:[This is from the Glossary, where she gives us the spiritual significance of terms.]
"Japhet (Noah’s son): A type of spiritual peace, flowing from the understanding that God is the divine Principle of all existence, and that man is His idea, the child of His care." 

Science & Health Page 589:8-11

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