Friday, October 2, 2015

Listening and Speaking

photo by Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #276
“The Word of God is given me to speak.”

For years, I didn’t speak up when I heard people talking about their pain, although I wanted to. Then I went through a phase where you couldn’t keep me quiet because I so desired to help people fix their problems. Even though I now realize I can’t fix anyone, I still can’t keep quiet, nor do I think I should when hearing divine Mind asking for an audience. For instance, at the market today a woman was telling me about physical problems she was having and how upset she was about upcoming medical procedures. My heart went out to her as I gave her a big hug and said something like, “It is what it is. You’ll face it moment by moment and do whatever is needed. All is well.” This thought brought her happiness, and I’m glad I listened to Love!

 Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Let discord of every name and nature be heard no more, and let the harmonious and true sense of Life and being take possession of human consciousness.”

Science and Health Page 355:11-14

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