Friday, October 30, 2015

Perception is a Mirror

photo credit: Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #304
“Let not my world obscure the sight of Christ.”

When my oldest son was in school, we watched a movie that both he and I thought was hilarious. Shortly afterwards, he took the movie over to a friend's house and shared it with her and her mother. The mother thought the movie was a tragedy and cried through most of it. This perfectly illustrates a part of today's workbook lesson: "Perception is a mirror, not a fact. What I look on is my state of mind, reflected outward." Isn't that the truth!! I’m sure we can all remember times when you and someone interpreted things totally differently. I will try to remember this dichotomy when someone looks at something in a way I do not understand. Today I will strive to clear my mind, in order to allow Truth to melt away illusion.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Corporeal sense, or error, may seem to hide Truth, health, harmony, and Science, as the mist obscures the sun or the mountain; but Science, the sunshine of Truth, will melt away the shadow and reveal the celestial peaks.”

Science & Health Page 299:26-30

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