Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Equinox Transition

Unknown artist

I’m not a follower of astrology, but these words about the Equinox caught my attention and appreciation!

“As the Sun crosses the celestial equator, an intriguing energetic shift occurs in the world. It is the time of the Equinox, marking the transition from the long slumber of winter to the spirited rebirth of spring. Hence, as seen in the natural world with the changing seasons, the Equinox symbolises renewal, shedding old layers and opening up to new beginnings. 

As well as the Equinox, we have the Aries New Moon... a globally momentous time for setting intentions and manifesting our desires, however, it requires careful attention to our thoughts and emotions. By setting clear intentions that align with our compassionate elevated emotional state, we can tap into the electromagnetic properties of Neptune’s unified quantum field of manifestation and create a whole new destiny for ourselves...” 

excerpted from website linked here: Read more here: https://angstoic.com/ and on Substack: https://angstoic.substack.com/p/igniting-the-spark-of-inception-the?fbclid=IwAR1sNiyCkYc-tp9hQGJrsplTiXWW83vXx3qj2HIrXtmr7FVEcMfwaPOJ5AE

“The attraction between native qualities will be perpetual only as it is pure and true, bringing sweet seasons of renewal like the returning spring.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health with Key to the Scriptures - Page 57:11-14

“When you have seen this real world, as you will surely do, you will remember Us. Yet you must learn the cost of sleeping, and refuse to pay it. Only then will you decide to awaken. And then the real world will spring to your sight, for Christ has never slept. He is waiting to be seen, for He has never lost sight of you. He looks quietly on the real world, which He would share with you because He knows of the Father’s Love for Him. And knowing this, He would give you what is yours. In perfect peace He waits for you at His Father’s altar, holding out the Father’s Love to you in the quiet light of the Holy Spirit’s blessing. For the Holy Spirit will lead everyone home to his Father, where Christ waits as his Self.” A Course in Miracles T-12.VI.5:1-9

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