Monday, June 5, 2023

Awakening Mind

Part of a light exhibit at Crystal Bridges Museum in
Bentonville, Arkansas

Are you as excited as I am about the multitude of documentaries about the brain and Mind? Today I ran across one titled “Awakening Mind (Part 1) Know Thyself.” Numerous people are telling of their experiences leaving behind belief and allowing their brain to open to the field of all possibilities. This yielding to allow Mind to flow into our thoughts, to guide our actions, to nourish our being, is being demonstrated and celebrated everywhere! I know many people who will tell me to get my head out of the sand and look around at the outlandish thoughts and actions which follow in the wake of closed minds. That’s right, I choose not to pay attention to this — and why? Because there is So Much Good happening everywhere I look! Why should I backtrack and put my attention on its opposite? I can hardly wait to see what catches my attention tomorrow, as I got forward refusing to see anything but the good which is unfolding!

(This writing is sometimes attributed to Mary Baker Eddy, and sometimes Bicknell Young. It doesn’t matter to me as it is a product of Divine Mind. Namaste…)

“I have learned how to make Science a thing of life, not words, and I am going to tell you what the wonderful secret is, for it is wonderful. Now it is this: not to see or hear or repeat any kind of imperfection. It is seeing, hearing, and repeating only good at all times, under all circumstances, in spite of everything that appears to the contrary.

I make this resolution every morning when I wake up, when first I open my eyes, and I review it every hour of the day. I see perfection, a perfect cause and effect, perfect God and perfect man. And I refuse to admit the slightest imperfection in myself, of my friends, and in my so-called enemies, in my affairs or in the affairs of the world. I take my radical stand every day for the perfection of God in everything and everybody He has made.

I look upon the world with God’s eyes and see it as He sees it. I refuse to see it any other way. I stop a dozen times a day to review this resolution and to make sure that I am not giving way to fear or criticism. I watch my thoughts about people – the lame, the old, the unlovely (to sense) that I meet – and stray animals. I have taken a radical stand for the perfection of all things, and I will not, absolutely will not, release the perfect standard.

The results have been marvelous. Try it, and you will forget to wear your glasses, as they will not be necessary. You will be seeing with God’s eyes. You will behold a perfect universe, since outward conditions are pictures of our inward thinking. To change the picture, we must change the thought that produces the picture.” Bicknell or Mary or … 

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