Friday, September 1, 2023

May Reason Prevail

Glacier National Park

There was an article making the rounds on social media concerning a public school in Tennessee which is forcing children to participate in Muslim practices. The comments I saw concerning this article ranged from mildly ignorant to wildly speculative. Finally, someone named Doug calmly recited all the reasons this is not happening, stating that the article is a satirical joke, and nicely asking if all the responders felt silly for believing it. In other words, The Emperor has no clothes!! We see this same scenario taking place numerous times a day, in some form or fashion, and usually we look the other way — probably because it’s happening on the television news! We must speak truth to error of all sorts. It is far too easy to send disinformation through emails and social media posts, and I encourage everyone to refute lies which are “going viral”. May the calm voices of reason prevail!

“Erroneous belief is destroyed by truth. Change the evidence, and that disappears which before seemed real to this false belief, and the human consciousness rises higher.”
Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 297:12-15

“I want another way to look at this. Now you have changed your mind about the day, and have remembered what you really want. Its purpose has no longer been obscured by the insane belief you want it for the goal of being right when you are wrong. Thus is the readiness for asking brought to your awareness, for you cannot be in conflict when you ask for what you want, and see that it is this for which you ask.”
A Course in Miracles T-30.I.11:4-7

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