Sunday, September 8, 2024

Discovering Revelations

Photo courtesy of Aaron Springston

“I have decided to find myself a home in the mountains, somewhere high up where one learns to live peacefully in the cold and the silence. It’s said that in such a place certain revelations may be discovered. That what the spirit reaches for may be eventually felt, if not exactly understood. Slowly, no doubt. I’m not talking about a vacation.

Of course, at the same time I mean to stay exactly where I am.

Are you following me?”

Mary Oliver

“It is impossible that anything should come to me unbidden by myself. Even in this world, it is I who rule my destiny. What happens is what I desire. What does not occur is what I do not want to happen. This must I accept. For thus am I led past this world to my creations, children of my will, in Heaven where my holy Self abides with them and Him Who has created me.”

A Course in Miracles W-253.1:1-6

“The pains of sense are salutary, if they wrench away false pleasurable beliefs and transplant the affections from sense to Soul, where the creations of God are good, ‘rejoicing the heart.’ Such is the sword of Science, with which Truth decapitates error, materiality giving place to man's higher individuality and destiny."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 265:31-5

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