Sunday, October 4, 2015


photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #278
“If I am bound, my Father is not free.”

Sometimes the miasma of materiality seems overwhelming. It's easy to feel bound by illnesses and injuries, financial burdens, grief. Our lives appear to have a beginning and an end. Physicists tell us of a perspective called quantum entanglement, in which particles separate yet remain connected, reacting to stimuli in the same way even though they no longer occupy the same space. In a book by Dan Cowan, Mind Underlies Spacetime, he explains, "...this direct connectedness occurs because each real entity is already everywhere." How perfectly this explains Oneness! This omnipresence is our perfect identity, without boundaries. We are free!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The admission to one's self that man is God's own likeness sets man free to master the infinite idea.”

Science & Health Page 90:24-25

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Shifting Thought

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #277
“Let me not bind Your Son with laws I made."

A universal shift in thought is upon us and we're each feeling it in our own way. The understanding that our true identify is spiritual and , as such, we’re not bound by any material beliefs, is bringing us to a tipping point in thought. Mass media and collective human consciousness tell us what to expect from material laws of cause and effect. Just think about how many things have been "proven" untrue which we learned as "fact" at some point. We can laugh when we see old advertisements proclaiming that lard makes families happy, or that cigarettes are good for you, but many of us are frightened by giving up the crutches we have relied on for years. Today I will notice the appearance of long-held beliefs telling me what is good and bad for me. I'll let them go and listen within for Truth!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Divine Mind rightly demands man's entire obedience, affection, and strength. No reservation is made for any lesser loyalty. Obedience to Truth gives man power and strength. Submission to error superinduces loss of power.”

Science & Health Page 183:21-25

Friday, October 2, 2015

Listening and Speaking

photo by Richard Quick
ACIM Workbook Lesson #276
“The Word of God is given me to speak.”

For years, I didn’t speak up when I heard people talking about their pain, although I wanted to. Then I went through a phase where you couldn’t keep me quiet because I so desired to help people fix their problems. Even though I now realize I can’t fix anyone, I still can’t keep quiet, nor do I think I should when hearing divine Mind asking for an audience. For instance, at the market today a woman was telling me about physical problems she was having and how upset she was about upcoming medical procedures. My heart went out to her as I gave her a big hug and said something like, “It is what it is. You’ll face it moment by moment and do whatever is needed. All is well.” This thought brought her happiness, and I’m glad I listened to Love!

 Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Let discord of every name and nature be heard no more, and let the harmonious and true sense of Life and being take possession of human consciousness.”

Science and Health Page 355:11-14

Thursday, October 1, 2015


"Great Salt Flats"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #275
“God's healing Voice protects all things today.”

Yesterday, I wrote about a movie about a man who had a blow to the head which left him in a happy state. What I did not mention was that when his wife passed on, he was upset because he wasn't upset. He wanted to cry for his wife, but he didn't feel there was any reason to do so. In order to feel grief, he allowed an operation to take away the blood clot in his brain which had supposedly caused his joyous demeanor. Afterwards, he was back to his old unhappy self, being mean and miserly and able to cry. The questions this story brought to me were multiple, but mainly I wonder why we feel the need to grieve. Is this some sort of duality belief or a learned behavior which demands we are sad in certain situations? Have we become accustomed to extremes of emotions to convey that we are caring human beings? Perhaps peace of mind in any situation comes from that healing Voice for God protecting me from grief and other unnecessary human beliefs. I shall continue to listen for answers.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Faith, if it be mere belief, is as a pendulum swinging between nothing and something, having no fixity. Faith, advanced to spiritual understanding, is the evidence gained from Spirit, which rebukes sin of every kind and establishes the claims of God."

Science & Health Page 23:14-17

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Scatter Joy

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Lesson #274
“Today belongs to love. Let me not fear.”

I saw a movie in which a character was hit in the head, developed a blood clot, and became happy all the time. Since happiness cannot be contained and overflows with no expectations, wonderful things began to happen. He ran a very large, money-making-oriented company, which had always catered to the prospering of the business not the contentment of the employees. After he became happy, he built a daycare center, gave everyone raises in salary, and began to see money as a tool rather than a goal. Then his children became angry because the company wasn't making as much money and they were afraid. While he recognized what was important in life, his children wanted him to go back to his money-based way of living, fearing they wouldn't have enough. He was living Love; they were living fear. We see it every day, don't we? I vow today to support every act of Love-based living I see. While we can't set out to eradicate fear, we can scatter joy and happiness, and watch Love blossom.

Mary Baker Eddy quote: 
"As human thought changes from one stage to another of conscious pain and painlessness, sorrow and joy, — from fear to hope and from faith to understanding, — the visible manifestation will at last be man governed by Soul, not by material sense."

Science & Health Page 125:12-16

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Stillness and Peace

photo courtesy of Chris Fischer
ACIM Lesson #273
“The stillness of the peace of God is mine.”

I've mentioned before -- actually more than once -- that a neighborhood situation with turkey vultures nesting in our wooded hollow has been a cause for disagreement amongst residents. The issue has raised its head again and I have the choice of being upset or being at peace. When I was first told of the situation, memories of harsh actions flooded back into thought, but by the time a local newspaper asked for my opinion, I was able to accept everything as it is, and recognize that my thought about the matter is the only thing I can change. As this lessons states: “If we give way to a disturbance, let us learn how to dismiss it and return to peace.” It’s nice to know that if I get lost in the insanity, I have the choice of returning to tranquility!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Mind demonstrates omnipresence and omnipotence, but Mind revolves on a spiritual axis, and its power is displayed and its presence felt in eternal stillness and immovable Love.”

From Retrospection and Introspection Page 88-89

Monday, September 28, 2015

Higher Enjoyments

photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Lesson #272
“How can illusions satisfy God's Son?”

Often we think that illusions will bring us satisfaction. Perhaps we've been brainwashed by classic songs and movies. From prospective soul mates to the dreamed-of perfect surroundings, we're compelled to keep searching for the completeness we feel we do not have. There may be  moments we think we've found it, but a circumstance can change and we're back where we started. I have a friend who refers to this as "filling up the God hole". He says that's why he drinks and smokes and flits from woman to woman, trying to fill the emptiness. Even though it's recognized for what it is, he finds it too hard to turn within for the fulfillment he so relentlessly seeks. To paraphrase a Bible verse: That which I don't want, I do; that which I do want, I don't. Today I will remember to forget what I don't want and hold thought to what I do!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Higher enjoyments alone can satisfy the cravings of immortal man.”

Science & Health Page 60:31-32

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