What a difference a day makes! Sunshine and temperatures well above freezing have put a smile on everyone's face here in the Ozarks. I can't remember how many gray days we've had, but I think it's around ten or so. But today -- oh, my, how wonderful! To see people walking dogs and happily calling out to each other; watching driveways and paths being shoveled; cars driving to open markets and restaurants -- wow! I've always been grateful for times of need, because times of plenty are so appreciated when they reappear. I look around my home, and seeing Kevin's handiwork brings great big smiles and a heart expanding with gratitude for the joy and wonder he brought to my life. The great, huge dogs he left with me are something I didn't plan on ever having again, but I'm happy they're here. The sorrow I felt at his passing is being embraced as a complement to the joy I feel today. Making music at my two churches was joyful, and I was surprised at how pleased I was to do it today. Contentment, peace, happiness -- Life is Good and I Am grateful...