Friday, February 19, 2021

Countering Sorrow With Joy


photo credit: Richard Quick

What do we do about all the horrible situations we hear about? Whether it's a weather-related event, racial injustice, starving/mistreated children -- it's tempting to look at these things and wonder to ourselves how we can possibly feel good when so many are suffering. Wayne Dyer told us that we can't feel bad enough to make anyone feel better; we can't be confused enough to unconfuse one person; we can't get sad enough to bring joy to a single being on this planet. These statements were made in a talk having to do with wanting to feel good, and they can be found in his book The Secrets of the Power of Intention. Our intentions multiply, so when we hear about an injustice and become depressed or overwhelmed by the situation, we are doing nothing to assist those in need, but we are doing something to bring sadness into our own lives. I know one dear woman who cares so much for the earth and its inhabitants that she cries every day, more than once, when she hears tragic stories about us. This is what Wayne Dyer means when he says, "You can't feel bad enough to make anyone's life better." Lowering our own vibrational energy lowers everyone's, and raising our level of joy affects the world in kind. There are many things we can do physically to help those in need, and we will find our individual ways to do so. But as many well-known seers have said in different ways: When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. 

"In the spirit of Christ's charity, -- as one who 'hopeth all things, endureth all things,' and is joyful to bear consolation to the sorrowing and healing to the sick, -- she commits these pages to honest seekers for Truth." from the preface of Science & Health by Mary Baker Eddy

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