Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Enriched Perceptions


Shadows on my Living Room Wall

I read an interview where a number of people tell of changes in their lives during this past year. It was a fascinating read because everyone had reasons their experiences were enriched by the different things they are doing since they are not so busy going places. One woman talked about light, and how she now noticed the shifting shadows around their house at different times of the day and during the four seasons. To quote her: “I walk the same route almost every day, and I can appreciate the nuances of the sunlight hitting the bark on the trees, the filtering of morning light through the leaves, the subtle changes of the seasons. I expect this awareness to last beyond the months of quarantine. The other things I have realized: My windows desperately need cleaning!” The photo I’ve included is something I noticed in my living room on Christmas Day. This shadow on the wall is exceptional because there was no sunshine coming through, but was coming in from the back of the house and being reflected back by a mirror. It shows my Christmas stick, with decorations, and the objects around it, including the lace curtains covering the window facing the street. If I had not been so quietly present, I most likely would not have seen this fleeting shadow. Wish I could relate to you more ways people have shifted perceptions; ways they hope to keep in their experience in the future!

"The sunlight glints from the church-dome, glances into the prison-cell, glides into the sick-chamber, brightens the flower, beautifies the landscape, blesses the earth." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 516

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