Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Let It Be


photo credit: Aaron Springston

I once heard it said that a person will be more disappointed about things they did NOT do than things they did do. My hope for humankind is that we stop beating ourselves up about past things, whether we did them or not. Replacing disappointments with forgiveness, we can experience peace. Whatever we have done, it’s okay. As I’ve quoted previously, It’s what we do in the present which redeems the past and changes the future. The present, right now: It’s what we’re doing right here and now which brings redemption and peace. I’ve looked at my life with an eye to regrets. Of course, there are many times of wondering what might have been, had different turns in the road been taken -- but overall I have no disappointments about choices. I like my life: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. (Smiley-face emoticon)

“If Life has any starting point whatsoever, then the great I Am is a myth. If Life is God, as the scriptures imply, then Life is not embryonic, it is infinite. An egg is an impossible enclosure for Deity.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 550:20

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