Friday, February 26, 2021

Cool Revelations


photo credit: Aaron Springston

After writing yesterday’s post about Michelle Fishburne and her quest to discover stories across the U.S. about positive changes which have happened since the pandemic, I started thinking about people I know who have had ​cool revelations because of their enforced isolation. I immediately thought of the married couple who had grown apart and were even thinking about going their separate ways. After spending a year working from home, they’ve discovered that they actually like each other and now they have plans for starting a business together, which will be centered out of their home. Then there’s the young mother who wanted to stay home with her babies, but felt guilty because she wouldn’t be bringing in money. She discovered she could work as a court reporter’s scopist and make more money from her home than at her waitressing job — and she gets to raise her children! There are churches and spiritual groups which are meeting online, opening up a whole new way of fellowship for those who can’t leave their homes because of physical or emotional disabilities. Plus, congregation members who had moved away are now able to zoom with their friends and share in an exciting new way of worship. I’m sure you know of numerous happy stories, too!

“He who first brings to humanity some great good, must have gained its height beforehand, to be able to life others toward it.” Mary Baker Eddy - Miscellaneous Writing’s Page 338:2

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