Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Higher Humanity


Grotto Springs - photo credit: Aaron Springston

Last year, a North Carolina woman named Michelle Fishburne decided to travel the United States in an RV and talk to people about the pandemic and how it has affected their lives. The project is called, Who We Are Now. She says one word exemplifies the majority of people interviewed: "pluck", which is defined as spirited and determined courage. For instance, a 21-year-old in Columbia, Missouri started a company called Repertoire which has the motto, “Embrace the uncomfortable and walk with purpose.” Ms. Fishburne, the self-employed storyteller says of the people she has met: “They have lifted their heads up from their previously busy lives and they are thinking about, and seeing, and caring about other people. That extends beyond family and friends. Americans are concerned about the well-being of others they’ve never met – including those across party lines. I have heard those five little words – ‘I think about those people’ – over and over again." I look forward to hearing more uplifting stories such as this, don't you?

"The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 571:19

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