Saturday, March 23, 2024

Love Holds No Grievance

Photo taken by Richard Quick

Most of us have a list of grievances we can call up in thought at the slightest provocation. In the past, I've held grievances which ranged from deeds of ex-husbands to actions of politicians. I've resented neighbors’ words and blamed friends for perceived betrayals. As I pause and ponder what grievances I am presently nurturing, only a few come to thought. I'm in the process of asking myself why I feel the need to hold on to these feelings of discontent. I don't have a reason for these resentments; it's just a habit. I do not want to attack Love with these grievances. "Love created me  like Itself" we are told in part of today's A Course in Miracles review. If I attack Love with grievances, I am attacking myself. If I am attacking myself, I'm attacking you. I think I'll just stop it!

“Love giveth to the least spiritual idea might, immortality, and goodness, which shine through all as the blossom shines through the bud. All the varied expressions of God reflect health, holiness, immortality-- infinite Life, Truth, and Love."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 518:18-22

“I am in the likeness of my Creator. I cannot suffer, I cannot experience loss and I cannot die. I am not a body. I would recognize my reality today. I will worship no idols, nor raise my own self-concept to replace my Self. I am in the likeness of my Creator. Love created me like itself.” 

A Course in Miracles W-84.1:2-8

Friday, March 22, 2024

A Release From Conflict

My Boys — circa 1997

Conflict resolution. Conflict transformation. How much time and energy do we spend in attempting to negate conflict between others and/or within ourselves? We can make lists of the merits of our choices, we can role play and put ourselves in each others' place in a situation, and we can enlist therapists to help us out. There are lots of ways to search for the door out of conflict. I have found the only way to truly leave it behind is to realize that such a thing does not exist anywhere other than in my thoughts I'll always remember a time when my boys were around 8 and 10 years of age. Their disagreements had advanced to the point where I saw no way out, other than to give one of them away! One day, during a particularly intense bout, I gave up and sat down in my bedroom to have a good cry. Next to my chair was a stack of Christian Science Sentinels, the weekly publication which has given us practical metaphysical writings for more than a hundred years. I reached down and pulled a copy from the middle of the stack and opened it up to an article about brothers fighting! I don't remember anything about the content, other than it was just what I needed. I also remember sitting there and thinking of all the reasons I loved them, and then thinking of what it truly means that they are  the expression of divine Love. It came to me that I was exhibiting an I'm-right-and-you're-wrong attitude. While that day was not the last time they had disagreements, they never again seemed so intense, and it was the last day I was in total despair over their actions. Living Love creates bridges which bring us together in peace. Trust that your function and happiness are your God-given right, and don't be afraid to open up and see what unexpected ways this function will be manifested.

 “God has endowed man with inalienable rights, among which are self-government, reason, and conscience. Man is properly self-governed only when he is guided rightly and governed by his Maker, divine Truth and Love.”

Mary Baker Eddy Science & Health Page 106:7-10[

“I have no function but the one God gave me. This recognition releases me from all conflict, because it means I cannot have conflicting goals. With one purpose only, I am always certain what to do, what to say and what to think. All doubt must disappear as I acknowledge that my only function is the one God gave me.”

A Course in Miracles W-83.1:2-5

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The Light of Forgiveness

Drumming in Basin Park
Circa 2012
Photo courtesy of Richard Quick

The small, mountain town where I life is very close-knit. Most of us know and love each other on a personal level. We have community celebrations for everything from the equinox to religious holidays. By the same token, when someone is hurting or in trouble, we pull together to help them. A situation comes to mind where one of our well-known, well-loved men ran amok and surprisingly was involved in an act of violence toward his family. The event seems to be fueled by ego and alcohol. We all felt compassion for him and his family, as many of us had links to him by way of various community events. He was fired from his job and ostracized by many. I keep thinking of the story of an African tribe which purportedly has a unique way of rehabilitating wrongdoers. They all gather in the center of the village and recount, in great detail, the admirable things they know about the person. This process may take days. When everyone is done, they have a joyous celebration, bringing the person back into their fold. I can see this happening here. We all share the same light, which brings peace to every mind. We can talk about this light until the cows come home, but it won't dispel the darkness unless we actually spark a flame. May our world find the way to healing through active Love. Namaste …

“Truth and Love enlighten the understanding, in whose ‘light shall we see light;’ and this illumination is reflected spiritually by all who walk in the light and turn away from a false material sense.” 

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 510: 9-12

“My forgiveness is the means by which the light of the world finds expression through me. My forgiveness is the means by which I become aware of the light of the world in me. My forgiveness is the means by which the world is healed, together with myself. Let me, then, forgive the world, that it may be healed along with me.”

A Course in Miracles W-82.1:2-5

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Forgiveness is My Function

Photo courtesy of Aaron Springston

I made a mistake. I never, ever post political things to my Facebook page. There was a post someone else had made about an unloving point of view one of Arkansas’s elected officials had voiced, and I was so astounded that I “shared” it without thinking of the consequences. Almost immediately, others began to post their thoughts. Then a distant cousin of mine wrote that he would vote for this politician for president because he was better than who we had — and he gave reasons why he thought so. I read it. Then my thoughts were inflamed with things I wanted to say to my dear relative. Actually, my first thought toward him was very rude — rude enough that I shan’t quote it here. Without hesitation, I deleted the entire post from my page. I’ve said before that I try not to have strong opinions because it closes my mind to anything else. By the same token, I do not serve my function as a reflection of Love if I post unlovely things about others — even if I deem their words to be ignorant and inappropriate. Especially so!! After all, forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

“It is through accepting my function that I will see the light in me. And in this light will my function stand clear and perfectly unambiguous before my sight. My acceptance does not depend on my recognizing what my function is, for I do not yet understand forgiveness. Yet I will trust that, in the light, I will see it as it is.” 

A Course in Miracles W-81.3:2-5

"Self-forgetfulness, purity, and affection are constant prayers."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 15:26-27

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

What’s the Problem?

Photo courtesy of Richard Quick

How do you respond when an acquaintance comes to you asking advice concerning a problem? It's probably NOT a good idea to tell them they don't know what their actual problem is and, if they did, then they would recognize that the problem has been solved! I was visiting with someone who knows the veracity of this seeming-conundrum and we mentioned a number of people we know who have problems with drinking alcohol. Actually, it only seems as though alcohol is the problem, and they are thinking of it as the solution. Looking at their situations from the outside, it appears that they are holding on to guilt because of their actions (for example, wartime killing of others), or pain because of others' actions (e.g., abandonment by a mother), or any number of things we think of as human problems. I bring this up to illustrate a lesson from A Course in Miracles: There is only one problem, feeling separated from God -- hence, separate from everyone. And there is only one solution: realizing what the problem is, letting the miracle take over, and being willing to accept it. So, when someone asks my advice concerning a “problem” of theirs, I will pause and realize God's law of adjustment, which is already done. I will recognize that nothing needs fixing by me or anyone else. And by this understanding, I will see them as whole, upright, and free. With clear, non-judgmental thought, what they need to hear will come out of my mouth. Namaste…

“If you are willing to recognize your problems, you will recognize that you have no problems. Your one central problem has been answered, and you have no other. Therefore, you must be at peace. Salvation thus depends on recognizing this one problem, and understanding that it has been solved. One problem, one solution. Salvation is accomplished. Freedom from conflict has been given you. Accept that fact, and you are ready to take your rightful place in God’s plan for salvation.” 

A Course in Miracles W-80.1:1-8

“Human reason and religion come slowly to the recognition of spiritual facts, and so continue to call upon matter to remove the error which the human mind alone has created.”

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 173:25-28

Monday, March 18, 2024

A New Standpoint

Photo credit: Michael Shaw

Are you a list maker? If you have a list of problems which need to be solved, it should be a relief to know there is only one problem and only one solution! If you watch or listen to news and feel overwhelmed by the problems of the world, it is a welcome respite to realize there is only one solution, and that solution is shown through a recognition of the problem. Actually, there is no need to think about a solution, you only need recognize that there is but one problem -- and that realization is, in itself, the solution. Every problem which seems to exist is the result of one thing: a belief in separation from God. I remember a friend had a poster in her office reminding the people who came in that the only reason she wanted to know their problem was as an identifier; after that, she only wanted to hear about solutions. Wayne Dyer wrote a whole book about it: There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem. The problem is that I believe I have separated from Source. The solution lies in that recognition!

"Ontology receives less attention than physiology. Why? Because mortal mind must waken to spiritual life before it cares to solve the problem of being, hence the author's experience; but when that awakening comes, existence will be on a new standpoint."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 556:25-30

“A problem cannot be solved if you do not know what it is. Even if it is really solved already you will still have the problem, because you will not recognize that it has been solved. This is the situation of the world. The problem of separation, which is really the only problem, has already been solved. Yet the solution is not recognized because the problem is not recognized.” 

A Course in Miracles W-79.1:1-5

Sunday, March 17, 2024

I Choose a Healthy Mind

The morning meditation from Marianne Williamson was this: “Negativity poisons my mind and positivity restores it. I have a choice whether to join in the darkness of the world, its petty judgments, and constant blame. When I do so I inject my psyche with poison, and today I choose a healthy mind.” Shortly after reading these words, a youtube video presented itself to me. It was an interview with Matson and Tawni Browning.  They have written a book, The Hate Next Door. This couple went undercover and became part of the new white supremacy, seeing what feeds these extreme views. As we know, strong, negative opinions breed hate and fear. And the opposite is also true: a positive outlook allows love and joy to permeate our lives. This is the miracle realization which replaces all our grievances. We can be unhappy about everything — i.e., the pollen is making me sick, politicians are liars, everything is too expensive, and on and on. Or we can notice the beauty of every little thing, and be grateful. At this time of the year, everything is being born again, in beauty and light. We can join in as the trees “clap their hands”! 

“Perhaps it is not yet quite clear to you that each decision that you make is one between a grievance and a miracle. Each grievance stands like a dark shield of hate before the miracle it would conceal. And as you raise it up before your eyes, you will not see the miracle beyond. Yet all the while it waits for you in light, but you behold your grievances instead.” 

A Course in Miracles W-78.1:1-4

"Human affection is not poured forth vainly, even though it meet no return. Love enriches the nature, enlarging, purifying, and elevating it. The wintry blasts of earth may uproot the flowers of affection, and scatter them to the winds; but this severance of fleshly ties serves to unite thought more closely to God, for Love supports the struggling heart until it ceases to sigh over the world and begins to unfold its wings for heaven."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 57:22-30

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Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra “May you fall madly in love this year ... in love with someone who unhinges your tired trajectory, in love ...