Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Forgiveness is My Function

Photo courtesy of Aaron Springston

I made a mistake. I never, ever post political things to my Facebook page. There was a post someone else had made about an unloving point of view one of Arkansas’s elected officials had voiced, and I was so astounded that I “shared” it without thinking of the consequences. Almost immediately, others began to post their thoughts. Then a distant cousin of mine wrote that he would vote for this politician for president because he was better than who we had — and he gave reasons why he thought so. I read it. Then my thoughts were inflamed with things I wanted to say to my dear relative. Actually, my first thought toward him was very rude — rude enough that I shan’t quote it here. Without hesitation, I deleted the entire post from my page. I’ve said before that I try not to have strong opinions because it closes my mind to anything else. By the same token, I do not serve my function as a reflection of Love if I post unlovely things about others — even if I deem their words to be ignorant and inappropriate. Especially so!! After all, forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.

“It is through accepting my function that I will see the light in me. And in this light will my function stand clear and perfectly unambiguous before my sight. My acceptance does not depend on my recognizing what my function is, for I do not yet understand forgiveness. Yet I will trust that, in the light, I will see it as it is.” 

A Course in Miracles W-81.3:2-5

"Self-forgetfulness, purity, and affection are constant prayers."

Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 15:26-27

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