April 1, 2014 - Cleaning the Windowpanes

"Spring Thunderstorm"
photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #91
“Miracles are seen in light.”

What am I? This question has been asked from the beginning of recorded history -- and probably longer. Spiritual seers inform us that we are not a body. So if I am not a body, what am I? Intellectually, we can say that we are the reflection of God. We can tell ourselves and others that we're not material, we're spiritual. But then we'll stump our toe and declare that we can't be blamed if it hurts because we're not walking on water yet. We make jokes to explain why we aren't living the precepts which Jesus tells us are our heritage as children of God. But really, why is it that we've been so stunted in our realization of what all this means? Actually, we're not evolving slowly. There is no evolution involved in spiritual awakening, there is only getting rid of material belief and dogma. What we're doing now is clearing the windowpane so the light has a transparency to flow through, rather than thousands of years of grime hiding our illumination. What are we? We're finding out more every day -- but that doesn't mean we have to wait a certain amount of time to learn a set amount of liberating facts in order to experience this light. That's the miracle! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote: "Divine Science rolls back the clouds of error with the light of Truth, and lifts the curtain on man as never born and as never dying, but as coexistent with his creator."

Science & Health Page 596:11-19

March 31, 2014 - Problems and Solutions?

Photo Courtesy of Jim Young
ACIM Workbook Lesson #90
Review: “Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.” and “Let me recognize my problems have been solved.”

How do you respond when an acquaintance comes to you asking advice concerning a problem? It's probably not a good idea to tell them they they don't know what their actual problem is and, if they did, then they would recognize that the problem has been solved. I was visiting with someone who knows the veracity of this seeming-conundrum and we mentioned a number of people we know who have problems with drinking alcohol. It seems as though alcohol is the problem, but they are thinking of it as the solution. Looking at their situations from the outside, it appears that they are holding onto guilt because of their actions (for example, wartime killing of others), or pain because of others' actions (e.g., abandonment by a mother), or any of a multitude of things we think of as human problems. I bring this up to illustrate today's lesson review: There is only one problem, feeling separated from God -- hence, everyone. And there is only one solution: realizing what the problem is, letting the miracle take over, and being willing to accept it. So, when someone asks my advice concerning a problem of theirs, I will pause and realize God's law of adjustment, which is already done. I will recognize that nothing needs fixing by me or anyone else. And by this understanding, I will see them as whole, upright, free. With clear, non-judgmental thought, what they need to hear will come out of my mouth. Namaste'.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Human reason and religion come slowly to the recognition of spiritual facts, and so continue to call upon matter to remove the error which the human mind alone has created.”

Science & Health Page 173:25-28

March 30, 2014 - Thinking Makes It So

ACIM Workbook Lesson #89
Review: “I am entitled to miracles.” and “Let miracles replace all grievances.”

It's the general belief in this world that some things are too horrendous to get over and that we will be plagued with certain effects from these events forever. "The Dog Whisperer", (whom I mention often in these writings) Cesar Millan, tells us he rehabilitates dogs and trains people. He observes that dogs live in the moment. When he is helping people to understand a dog which seems maimed by past experiences in its life, he always tells us that feeling sorry for the animal is of no benefit. How can this be? The dog is hurting and we're being asked to deny that? Yes!! This is why we are learning that it's necessary to give up all beliefs -- not just those we deem to be "bad", but all material beliefs. By letting them go and replacing them with an openness of thought which allows us to hear the Truth of our Being, we experience the miracle which is the natural order of Life. It may not seem logical to say that we can simply release feelings of fear and anger. They can appear very real to us, but if we stop and examine them, do they have any purpose other than to bind us to the past? One dog Cesar worked with had slid into a glass door. The dog was now afraid to walk on any floor without a carpet. Upon investigation of its people's reactions, they had immediately reinforced the dog's fears by petting, and commiserating, and talking about what a horrible experience it had been. They held the fear in thought by acts they thought of as compassion. What Cesar explains is that dogs live in the moment, unless they're held in the past by everyone around them. It's all too easy to replay in thought unhappy circumstances, bringing more into our experience by our expectations of them. We tell ourselves that bad things come in threes, that this is a "bad day", that Murphy's Law is in effect (one of my personal pet peeves!). I'm so grateful for every experience which helps me to discern between belief and reality -- especially when it's shown to me by my dog!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“When an accident happens, you think or exclaim, 'I am hurt!' Your thought is more powerful than your words, more powerful than the accident itself, to make the injury real."

Science & Health Page 397:12-16

March 29, 2014 - Listening for the Light

Photo Courtesy of Jim Young
ACIM Workbook Lesson #88:
Review -- "The light has come." and "I am under no laws but God's"

Releasing many long-practiced ways of life facilitates our recognition of the light which has come, the Truth which is known within. This inward listening for spiritual discernment allows us to speak without fear. I love listening to divine Mind rather than chasing in circles with mortal mind! It's more interesting, it frees me from worry and doubt, it leads me in fascinating paths, it teaches peace. In my gallery, we represent over a hundred people and carry thousands of items, so when someone comes in, it is impossible to show them everything! Intuiting what people may be interested in seeing and purchasing is a nice practice in allowing spiritual sense to supersede mortal mind. This is the same listening sense which allows us to stop weighing pros and cons of any choice we may have in life. In a day and age where there are hundreds of choices in the aisles of our food stores, this is particularly freeing! In the past, I've almost had an anxiety attack simply trying to choose which flavor of tea to purchase. Thank goodness those days are over!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"There is no material truth. The physical senses can take no cognizance of God and spiritual Truth. Human belief has sought out many inventions, but not one of them can solve the problem of being without  the divine Principle of divine Science. Deductions from material hypotheses are not scientific. They differ from real Science because they are not based on the divine law."

Science & Health Page 273:2-9

March 28, 2014 - Am I In Love, or Am I Love?

"Rays of Sunrise"
photo by Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #87
Review: “I will there be light.” and “There is no will but God’s.”

My thoughts turn today toward the holy relationship. We have many relationships in this life and, if you're like me, you prefer to think of all of them as holy! If God is Love, and we express that Love, then isn't every thing we do coming from that Love which is our essence? Unfortunately, this is not true. What we think of as love is often colored with human emotions such as guilt, jealousy, lust, and fear. This is a hard admission for any of us to make. A dear friend has been talking to me recently about a relationship he is ending. I have been thinking back over relationships I could have stayed in to this very day and where that would have led my life in different paths. The thing that keeps coming back time and again is that each and every relationship I have ever had was based in some way or another on the words, "I want". Maybe I wanted to be loved, maybe I wanted to be IN love, maybe I wanted a love affair like the movies and songs tell us is the be-all, end-all. My friend is feeling sad for the loss of this relationship. He liked so many things about this woman, but there were some basic differences which caused their incompatibility. He could have stayed and been contented, but there was something missing: It wasn't a holy relationship. It was based on expectation of change and other material desires. My friend innately knows there is more than settling down with someone because it's easy. And I know he will recognize, within himSelf, what it is he's waiting for.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The admission to one's self that man is God's own likeness sets man free to master the infinite idea. The understanding and recognition of Spirit must finally come, and we may as well improve our time in solving the mysteries of being through an apprehension of divine Principle. At present we know not what man is, but we certainly shall know this when man reflects God.”

Science & Health Page 90:24-32

March 27, 2014 - Sing Your Song!

"Springing Forth"
by Sandy Wythawai Starbird
ACIM Workbook Lesson #86
Review: "Only God's plan for salvation will work." and "Holding grievances is an attack on God's plan for salvation."

Letting go of grievances frees us to express facets of ourselves we didn't know were there. Have you noticed that you're stretching beyond what you've always thought of as your boundaries? While listening to what I think of as free-form piano playing of the new-age variety, it struck me how important it is to be singing your song, whatever form that may take. For me, piano lessons began at the age of four. By the time I went to college, playing was so ingrained that it was like speaking. But it was always structured interpretation from pages of music. Never once had I just sat down and played without thought. A few years ago, I did. Something pulled me to the piano and a tune came out. It's a simple melody which mutates here and there, with interesting progressions and surprises. It's never the same, and it never leaves me where I started. It has beautiful healing notes which shift and appear when they are needed. We all have a song to sing. It's a divine voice which requires a yielding of material sense in order to be heard and reproduced. It may be expressed through prose, or poetry, or music, or painting. It may be realized through raising children, caring for animals, or growing vegetables. The forms this Love will take are without limit! Just as we are the ideas of God, so are these emanations which shine through us. Let's free ourselves to allow Love to show itself in all Its varied forms of salvation!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Salvation: Life, Truth, and Love understood and demonstrated as supreme over all."

Science & Health Page 593:20-21

March 26, 2014 - Shining Love

ACIM Workbook Lesson #85
Review: "My grievances hide the light of the world in me." and "My salvation comes from me."

Cynicism hides the light of the world very effectively. As a small child, I freely expressed joy in everything and to everyone, but slowly and thoroughly this joy was quieted by rules and other forces of conformity. By the time I was a teenager, cynicism had taken over my every action. This is a definition of cynicism: "An attitude of scornful or jaded negativity, especially a general distrust of the integrity or professed motives of others." During the 60s and 70s, although it was heralded as the Age of Aquarius, the free love that permeated our atmosphere was actually a charade of the Love I had felt as a small child. We made fun of those who weren't like us, and by doing so became unsure of what we were. There was an attitude of disdain which came with our superiority. We knew our government was wrong, as were our parents, most teachers, and the majority of our peers. It's no wonder that a major magazine's cover declared that God was dead, because materialism and cynicism had killed any expression of real Love. I was convinced that to have children would be a travesty, as this world was no place for humans to be. Nearly half a century past those turbulent times, I see wonderful changes in all of us. Everyone I know realizes that Love is a force within us which can't be quieted; that fear can never be as powerful as Love; that there is no reason to pretend only the foolish think this way. More people every day are waking up to the Truth of their being, living the salvation of this realization, and not allowing anything to hide this light. Any day now everyone will awaken to their function as a living ray of this Love, and we won't be afraid of it. It is our heritage! We have denied it as long as we can. The Truth is alive within us and it only takes recognition to bring it to fruition. Let's live our salvation today!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Ignorance of the divine idea betrays at once a greater ignorance of the divine Principle of the idea — ignorance of Truth and Love. The understanding of Truth and Love, the Principle which works out the ends of eternal good and destroys both faith in evil and the practice of evil, leads to the discernment of the divine idea."

Science & Health Page 560:28-4

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