Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 20, 2012 -I Am nothing other than Love

A Course in Miracles Lesson #171
Central Theme: "God is but love and therefore so am I."
Review of: (151) All things are echoes of the Voice for God.
(152) The power of decision is my own.

"Tibetan Monks Chanting in
Christian Science Edifice
in Eureka Springs, Arkansas"
I'm really excited about this review! "God is [nothing] but love and therefore so am I." What could be better than to think about an all-encompassing, all-permeating Love for ten days! Heck, if we do it for ten days, why not forever? This is the start of something big, and I hope you are as pleased as I am to be doing this. That's our overall thought to hold to constantly, then each day we'll have a review of two days' lessons. It's always been such a comfort to know that whatever "things" are going on in my life, there will be perfect correlations and answers to my questions found in the weekly Christian Science Lesson. The same is true of these wonderful Course in Miracles daily lessons, too. Actually, it has crossed my mind to do next year's correlations by pulling together these two weekly/daily lessons. But that's a topic for another day. Today let's concentrate on the Love which is God and all the ways in which we reflect that. Specifically, knowing that all things are the echoes of the Voice for God is a wonderfully comforting knowledge to relax into. It helps me to see God everywhere. In doing that, the decisions to be made are already made. Listening to these echoes leads us in paths of peace and right choice. There can be nothing else when surrendering my personal will, my so-called ego, to the perfection of divine Love.

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Individuals are consistent who, watching and praying, can 'run, and not be weary; . . . walk, and not faint,' who gain good rapidly and hold their position, or attain slowly and yield not to discouragement. Imperfect mortals grasp the ultimate of spiritual perfection slowly; but to begin aright and to continue the strife of demonstrating the great problem of being, is doing much.”
Science & Health Page 254:1-15

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