Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 25, 2012 - Dissolving Anger

"Somewhere in Oklahoma"
photo by Aaron Springston

A Course in Miracles Lesson #176
Central Theme: "God is but love and therefore so am I."
Review of: (161) "Give me your blessing, holy Son of God.(162) "I am as God created me."

Recently I made a three-hour trip to pick up my son at a small airport in our area. As I was driving into town hoping to see a sign pointing me to the airport, I turned off on a road for some reason and within a short time knew I was going the wrong way. So I pulled into a gas station to ask directions. There were many cars lined up at the gas pumps, lots of cars parked at the convenience store section, and one pickup over to the side at the air pump. It seemed easiest to approach the pickup truck airing up its tire. I couldn't see any people as I approached as they were crouched down on the other side of the pickup.  As I rolled down my window and said, "Excuse me", the man stood up and threw his hat down with an explicative. Then a woman popped up and began cursing and kicking the tire. So I said, "Are you familiar with this area?" The man shouted, "What?" in my direction. So I quietly repeated my question. I continued smiling at him and seeing him in Love as he approached. By the time he got to the car, his demeanor had totally relaxed as he rested his arms on my open window and asked what I needed. Even though it was 100-degrees and his face was as red as his hair, a gentleness was shining in his countenance. The woman who was hopping up and down stopped and walked over to see what we were talking about. The atmosphere totally changed in that short exchange. One of the sentences in Lesson 161 states: "Today we practice differently, and take a stand against our anger, that our fears may disappear and leave room for love." It's not only our own personal anger we can take a stand against, but any and all of it! And that's because "God is Love and therefore so [are we]."

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“God is Love. Can we ask Him to be more? God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend? Do we expect to change perfection? Shall we plead for more at the open fount, which is pouring forth more than we accept? The unspoken desire does bring us nearer the source of all existence and blessedness.”
Science & Health Page 2:23-30

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