Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17, 2014 - No Thought is Neutral

"Mt. Superior in Utah"
photo by Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #17
"I see no neutral things".

The admission to ourselves that everything we see is colored by our beliefs and judgments is a large realization indeed! Being aware of this is a very important step in clearing the way for spiritual sense to be recognized. Sometimes standing up to illusion and stating Truth seems necessary. While waiting in line at the food market recently, I was having a conversation with the woman behind me. She was telling me how she had moved here from Washington D.C. and she couldn't get used to the fact that people were so nice. She said she kept expecting a variety of horrible things to happen (which she listed with rising fervor). I told her she could allow herself to change thought about this, as it wasn't true. "Change!", she shouted. "The way you talk, it sounds like you voted for that [explicative] who's our president!" Not having a desire to get into that with her I just said, "The change I'm talking about happens within you. That's the only place it can occur; you can't change anyone else." And that calmed her down. Imagine everyone knowing the true source of their well-being and demonstrating it in daily life. Just imagine ~~~

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"To corporeal sense, the sun appears to rise and set, and the earth to stand still; but astronomical science contradicts this, and explains the solar system as working on a different plan. All the evidence of physical sense and all the knowledge obtained from physical sense must yield to Science, to the immortal truth of all things."

Science & Health Page 493:2-8

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