Saturday, April 25, 2015

April 26, 2015 - Happiness is the Way!

Marsha at Film Festival
photo courtesy of Jay Vrecenak
ACIM Lesson #116
Review of: #101 "God's Will for me is perfect happiness." #102 "I share God's Will for happiness for me."

As sage words tell us: There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way. I’ve had a lovely time at our local Independent Film Festival! It’s wonderful to see old friends again. I’ve been hermit-ing for the last few months, enjoying solitude after a change in my physical circumstance in December. Many people are surprised that I’m this happy after losing a lower extremity, but I hold to the perfect happiness which is mine as the experience and expression of God. Happiness and peace never change, and when my ego tries to tell me otherwise, that misperception is quickly corrected when I allow it to be. For the ability to see past material belief, I am very grateful!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
"Upon this stage of existence goes on the dance of mortal mind. Mortal thoughts chase one another like snowflakes, and drift to the ground. Science reveals Life as not being at the mercy of death, nor will Science admit that happiness is ever the sport of circumstance."

Science & Health Page 250:28-1


  1. Hi Marsha,
    I've been following you for close to a year now I think. I feel a kinship with you. My friend and I often discuss something you've written. I love your photo at the film festival. Thanks for your sharing. It matters.

    1. Thank you, Jo! It's good to hear from you. I'm so glad to hear that it matters to you. Sometimes I wake up the next morning and read what I've written and say "Wow! I'm glad I'm starting my day with this thought!" Hugs and Love to you!

  2. Oh, Marsha, what a powerful and beautiful way to express today's two review lessons than to place a picture of you waving and assuring all of us that God's will for your is happiness and You share God's will for happiness for you. Beaumont

    1. Hey Beaumont! So glad you liked today's lesson! Hugs and Love to you!!


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