Saturday, June 20, 2015

June 21, 2015 - Would I Rather Be Right or Kind?

"Beaver Bridge in Fog"
photo from Arthur Lau-Sed
ACIM Workbook Lesson #172 Central Theme: “God is but love and therefore so am I” Review of: #153 “In my defenselessness my safety lies.” #154 “I am among the ministers of God.”

I’ve been married three times. I used to have a seeming need to speak my mind. It didn’t matter if it was a holiday dinner or family function where everyone was supposed to be having a good time, if I disagreed with someone, I was sure to let them know exactly why! At some point in the last twenty or so years, I’ve lost that desire. If I disagree with someone now days, I’ll most likely say something like, “You may be right about that”, and smile and wander away. One of my favorite sayings is, “If you have a choice of being right or being kind, be kind.” Not having a desire to defend myself or others is my ministry. And there are always lots of opportunities to practice it!!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“Teach your student that he must know himself before he can know others and minister to human needs. Honesty is spiritual power.”

Science & Health Page 453:14-15

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