Monday, June 8, 2015

June 9, 2015 - No Fear in Love

photo from Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #160
“I am at home. Fear is the stranger here.”

When we are afraid of a situation, we often want someone to be with us to comfort us and, perhaps, share in that fear. When I was admitted into the hospital last year, I was repeatedly asked if I wanted to call someone to be with me. I assured everyone I was fine. Remaining cheerful throughout the whole stay was also an anomaly to the staff. I haven’t thought about those days very much, but today’s topic brings it to mind as I look for a time of fear in order to write about it. But I really think “I am at home and fear is the stranger here”. As an expression of divine Love, there is no need to ask for more. And so it is! 

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“The Apostle John says: ‘There is no fear in Love, but perfect Love casteth out fear. . . . He that feareth is not made perfect in Love.’ Here is a definite and inspired proclamation of Christian Science.”

Science & Health Page 410:17-21


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