Saturday, May 13, 2017

Love Is Alive

"Utah" PC: Aaron Springston
ACIM Workbook Lesson #134 "Let me perceive forgiveness as it is."

Righteous indignation: There's a lot of it going around, don't you think? Maybe I notice it because it's alive and well-established within me. Maybe I'm too quick to jump on my high horse and adopt a holier-than-thou attitude. It seems there are many injustices which need righting. We have been told that forgiveness is looking the other way and doing nothing, but we are learning to see forgiveness as looking past the illusion of separation from God to the realization of our unity. With this view, I can set aside my stories of right and wrong, opening thought to the reality of Love. Some wonder what good this could possibly do in a world rife with confusion. If everyone lived Love, opening themselves to listen for guidance on how to do that — well, just imagine the utopia! There is a voice audible to anyone willing to listen. Forgiveness, the releasing of illusions, allows this voice to be found. In our unity, one release is everyone's gift. There is no you, me, and God. There is only One. What a joy to be finding our voice!

Mary Baker Eddy quote: “Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way. Right motives give pinions to thought, and strength and freedom to speech and action.” Science & Health Page 454:18-21


  1. " release is everyone's gift."

    What a powerful incentive to forgive. Instead of seeing my perspective as small and meaningless, I can see it instead as life changing for us all.

    I remember when I was in grade school and in the schoolyard, factions were forming - Mary Jane's followers against Elaine's. Hatred filled the airwaves as taunts were thrown. Then a funny thing happened. Someone on Elaine's side began taking Mary Jane's followers aside, one by one and asking them this question: "Do you REALLY hate Elaine?" I had to say no as I realized that I DIDN'T really hate her. Soon the airwaves settled down as peace resumed. I remember being so impressed with whoever had the idea of asking that question to each of us, one by one. Yes, one person can make a difference!

    1. Oh Cassandra! Let's ask everyone that question right now! What a beautiful, direct communication which breaks the spell. I just love that!!! Thank you...


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