Monday, May 29, 2017

There Is No Spoon

creation of Sandy Wythawai Starbird
A Course in Miracles Workbook Lesson #150 Review of: #139 "I will accept Atonement for myself." #140 "Only salvation can be said to cure." The main thought to hold to in this review: “My mind holds only what I think with God."

In the movie, "The Matrix", there were some profound metaphysical principles addressed. I particularly liked when Neo is in what appears to be some sort of center for extraordinary behavior. He goes up to a person bending a spoon without touching it. Neo tries to bend the spoon with his mind, but cannot. He is told that the way to do this is through knowing the truth: The spoon is not there. This is what metaphysical healing is all about. Today's ACIM review tells us the only cure is the understanding that there is no place where sickness can abide. In other words, the spoon is not there. If we are attempting to change a material condition through metaphysical practice, it's just like trying to bend the spoon with the power of your mind. Only by the knowledge of its unreality is it seen for what it actually is: an idea. We are all ideas of divine Mind. In that metaphysical reality, we are all One. What will this realization unfold in experience today? I am open to everything with no expectations whatsoever!

Mary Baker Eddy quote:
“What to material sense seems substance, becomes nothingness, as the sense-dream vanishes and reality appears.”

Science & Health 312:5-7

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