Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Language of my Discernment

Today has been a interesting mishmash of talking to friends who have a multitude of problematic happenings in their lives. One dear woman is worried about her husband’s memory. Another has gangrene in her foot and her future is uncertain in every way. One passed a kidney stone and is very happy that’s over! Another is worried about losing his job. Someone has an adult son in rehab with serious mental problems. One of these people is a metaphysician and is feeling guilty because she can’t “do” something about the situation. This took my thought to the impersonal nature of disease. We seem to want to blame ourselves when a malady occurs. What did I do wrong which caused this dis-ease? If we are truly One in Spirit, then perhaps we shouldn’t take all the blame for the mass hypnotism running rampant in our society. Everywhere we turn, there is a commercial telling us what’s wrong with us, or a news story proclaiming disaster from something or another, or someone predicting doom in some for. What an we do? Just say no. There are many books and YouTube videos giving us tips on how to counteract negativity. Don’t be afraid to life your thought in this way. I think I’ll do that right now!

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