Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Television's Cumulative Effect

Photo Credit: Aaron Springston
The BF and I were discussing the state of the union tonight and our talk turned to how we, the people, have become so vulnerable and gullible. We decided it is a combinations of things -- as most everything is! -- but television plays the largest part in the dumbing down of us all. Add our limited education to that, perpetuated by our secondary schools and their policies held in place by stifling laws which make it difficult to teach and learn, and we begin to see the recipe taking shape. Yes, many students  become independent thinkers, but it's probably their parents and other role models who facilitate it. Another factor is food. The poisoned tidbits which we think of as food cause children to have mental, emotional, and physical disabilities. Add this to the fact kids can't play outside and feel clean dirt beneath their feet, fresh air in their lungs, and cool water swaddling them in summer -- well, these are ingredients set up to make Jack a dull boy (so to speak). I went to our high school today and worked with choir students for a while. They inspire me! There is hope in our world and we each have the assignment of tending it. Namaste, my Friends!

"In trying to undo the errors of sense, one must pay fully and fairly the utmost farthing, until all error is finally brought into subjection to Truth." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 240:27

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