Thursday, September 17, 2020

Let's Think About Goats

My mind is full of strange ideas brought to me courtesy of the people of earth. Why would anyone think that Alex Jones is a reporter giving us news? Why do people believe the earth is flat? A new world order making tunnels beneath the ground, with headquarters under the Denver Airport, and that's why that crazy horse with glowing eyes is out front? Really?? What are we thinking? The United States of Conspiracy is a PBS, Frontline, documentary which was brought to my attention today. I plan to watch it. It's free on youtube. These ideas are fascinating to me for many reasons. Have I ever believed a conspiracy theory? Probably. Maybe I still do. For a while I thought our government was being run by lizard people (basically aliens from somewhere far, far away). But then I saw what a real monster was like, and didn't need to believe fantasies. Everyday something unbelievable is tossed into our collective minds, and if we choose to believe it, we're doing more than ourselves a disservice. Every thought is important, don't you think? The collective consciousness of life truly is a thing. What goes around, comes around, whether it be thoughts or actions. Let compassion, kindness, understanding, truth, love, fill your head -- and when something else tries to crowd its way into your brain, just look at this picture of a baby goat. Hugs to each and every one of you!

"Mortals evolve images of thought. These may appear to the ignorant to be apparitions; but they are mysterious only because it is unusual to see thoughts, though we can always feel their influence." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 86:13

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