Sunday, April 4, 2021

Vibrational Energies on the Rise


photo credit: Richard Quick

In the years I was involved with the metafizzies here in Eureka Springs, I learned many things. Never would I have been exposed to crystal skulls, or pyramid power, or any number of other fascinating thought systems if not for our weekly meetings. Because of those years, nothing surprises me today. One of the main topics of conversation in the first decade of the 2000s was that of the Mayan Calendar. Some believed that in 2012 time would end and we would simply disappear. Others predicted huge upheavals in the environment which would cause us all to die. Many people saw it as the end of an era, rather than the end of time. We have certainly seen that occur, and are still witnessing changes we never dreamed of back then. Most humans acknowledge that everything is made of energy -- and some even happily opine that we are all the same energy. As much as I dislike saying so, it seems many people are not able to accept the rising vibrational energies which are swirling around in this time of shifting consciousness. This inability to accept change is manifested in horrific ways, along with those who embrace the new paradigm and are finding joyous expressions of living the Love which is our natural state. Perhaps some of us simply can't or won't participate in these changes and are returning to pure energy to await whatever comes next. Our lives are quite an adventure on the calmest of days, and it's been a while since we've seen those! Let's love life right now, just as it is, and be kind to those who can't leave the old for the new. And please, remember to laugh and dance whenever possible!

"Think of this, dear reader, for it will lift the sackcloth from your eyes, and you will behold the soft-winged dove descending upon you. The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and afflictive, Love can make an angel entertained unawares. Then thought gently whispers: 'Come hither! Arise from your false consciousness into the true sense of Love, and behold the Lamb's wife, -- Love wedded to its own spiritual idea.' Then cometh the marriage feast, for this revelation will destroy forever the physical plagues imposed by material sense." Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 574:25

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