Friday, March 4, 2022

Love Your Enemies?

All of us, individually and collectively, can find things to be upset about. Humanity is roiling with the pain of events. I wrote yesterday about the emotionally unsettled feelings of the male of our species. For centuries, women have felt put upon because of injustice perpetrated by men. Native Americans, black people, Asians — well, I’m not sure there are any groups of people who have not been tyrannized by their fellow beings. What I am sure of is that it does not need to affect our behavior today, right here and now. Forgiveness means releasing anything and everything from past experience or psychic memory. How do we not hold it against a person who has brought misery to us? What of the genocide, the destruction of art and beauty, the raping of the land? Loving someone who perpetrates such travesties seems impossible, as well it should be. Their actions come from a deranged mind. But following the instruction to love your neighbor as yourself does not mean to love the material, ego-based human. It means to love the true man, the spiritual being which is the creation of the divine Mind. And since we change the world through our own thoughts, every time I see someone committing heinous acts, I will translate the situation in my mind. We are not material; we are spiritual. What if everyone realized this? What a wonderful world …

“The metaphysician, making Mind his basis of operation irrespective of matter and regarding the truth and harmony of being as superior to error and discord, has rendered himself strong…” Science & Health Page 423:18-21

"The Holy Spirit is the Mediator between the interpretations of the ego and the knowledge of the spirit. His ability to deal with symbols enables Him to work with the ego’s beliefs in its own language. His ability to look beyond symbols into eternity enables Him to understand the laws of God, for which He speaks. He can therefore perform the function of reinterpreting what the ego makes, not by destruction but by understanding. Understanding is light, and light leads to knowledge. ⁶The Holy Spirit is in light because He is in you who are light, but you yourself do not know this. It is therefore the task of the Holy Spirit to reinterpret you on behalf of God. A Course in Miracles, T-5.III.7:1-7

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