Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Is It True, Kind, Necessary?


Long ago, during a Course in Miracles meeting, good-friend Ramona said, “You better watch out what you say in front of Marsha. You may end up in the dailies!” I was reminded of this today when a dear friend from forever called and told me she had momentarily thought yesterday’s writing was about her. We both laughed at this idea. Then I began thinking how these daily writings keep me honest. I’m prone to jumping on my high horse and pontificating, so I’m always aware of this irritating trait within myself. Sometimes it’s tempting to use this venue to complain about things and tell people what they should do. But I don’t want to do that. By putting my thoughts into words, knowing they will be read by others, there is a built-in test; one which I hope to employ in day-to-day interactions: “Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?” I trust my dear friends will help me stay true to my mission!

From don Miguel Ruiz

“Your happiness is up to you, and it depends on how you use the word. If you get angry and use the word to send emotional poison to someone else, it appears that you’re using the word against that person, but you’re really using the word against yourself. That action is going to create a like reaction, and that person is going to go against you. If you insult someone, that person may even harm you in response. If you use the word to create a conflict in which your body may be injured, of course it’s against you.

“Be impeccable with your word really means never use the power of the word against yourself. When you’re impeccable with your word, you never betray yourself. You never use the word to gossip about yourself or to spread emotional poison by gossiping about other people.

“You are the creator of your own life story. If you use the word impeccably, just imagine the story that you are going to create for yourself. You’re going to use the word in the direction of truth and love for yourself. You’re going to use the word to express the truth in every thought, in every action, in every word you use to describe yourself, to describe your own life story. And what will be the result? An extraordinarily beautiful life. In other words, you are going to be happy.” 

Miguel Ruiz

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