Saturday, August 20, 2022

Gary Zukav, Creating Authentic Power

Gary Zukav and Linda Francis

The beloved author, Gary Zukav, recently experienced the sudden passing of his life partner, Linda Francis. The words he wrote about his renewed purpose touch me deeply. And so I include them here…

“The sudden return home to nonphysical reality of the soul of my spiritual partner, Linda Francis, has changed me in immediate ways.  

Through the pain and disorientation of frightened parts of my personality, a new and surprising life emerged – a life without the boundaries that previously confined me.  

The love that Linda and I cultivated for twenty-nine years is the foundation of it, the launch pad of a new orientation that thrills me.  

The possibility of this love first entered Linda’s consciousness when she heard the words, ‘He is the One’ while walking by a stream at the small event we were both drawn to attend, and suspecting that they might refer to me.   

The possibility of this love first entered my awareness when I found myself HAPPY to see her arrive in my small community of Mt. Shasta, California.  

In our years together we became aware, through the many experiences of frightened parts of our personalities and loving parts of our personalities, of our love as very special for us.  

The depth and fullness of it filled us with gratitude and awed us.  We discussed these experiences and the miracle of them.

Then Linda fell to our kitchen floor with a stroke and her body died three days later.  

Through the disorientation, disbelief, pain, and fear of frightened parts of my personality, I began to realize a new orientation.  

Things that were important to me before lost their importance.  

The reality of creating authentic power repeatedly as Linda’s body lay dying was my only way of remaining sane.  

Creating authentic power brought me back again and again to what I was experiencing with Linda in an ICU room with loving nurses and my love for her.  

It allowed me to drive home to our home without Linda for the first time.  

As friends and neighbors brought me food and cared for me, my new orientation began to show itself to me through tears and confusion – my only intention for my life now is to love people.

I thought that was the case before Linda’s soul returned to nonphysical reality, but the actuality of it, the reality of it, the solidness of it was new for me.  

Interest in people, care for people, and desire to support them in recognizing the frightened parts of their personalities and moving beyond the control of them filled me.  

When a spiritual partner from Southeast Asia emailed me, ‘We can be sure that whatever Linda’s mission was, it has been completed.  Which means that whatever development remains for you, it is something which you can only complete without her,’ I knew he was right.  

I am beginning to experience the spiritual “development that remains” for me, and I am grateful for it.

Can you think of a realization about yourself that might, to your surprise, to your shock, move you beyond the frightened parts of your personality – such as superiority, inferiority, anger, jealousy, addiction, and more – that prevent you from loving?  

Why wait for the experience of the soul of a Beloved returning home to nonphysical reality, or of an unpleasant neighbor, or whatever the compassionate Universe will provide you in order to launch you beyond the limitations of the life you are now living?  

Ask your intuition.  

Open your heart.  

Consult your soul.  

Sooner or later you will move beyond the limitations of your present perceptions into the wildness and unrestrained expansion of your boundless heart.



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