Saturday, August 27, 2022

Old Friends, New friends …

60 years of friendship

Having spent the last two days at a class reunion with childhood friends, I am more grateful than ever before for friendship. Old friends, new friends, and everything in between are about the best thing which can happen to us on this sweet earth. Every friendship is individual, but they all have a commonality: love. The compassionate caring which wells up when we hear of a friends’ hardship, or accomplishments, feels like a primal instinct to me. When I heard stories of friends’ lives, my heart swelled with a deeper understanding of these people I’ve known for six-plus decades. The laughter we shared over memories — sometimes it would simply take one word to send us into belly laughs in remembrance of events — well, it has filled me with joy during these two days. One of the saddest plights of humanity is the loneliness of isolation. Next time you’re going to a meeting — such as a Democratic Party function — invite a shut-in neighbor, or an acquaintance who rarely participates in community events, anyone you think would enjoy meeting new people. Spread the love!

“It should be thoroughly understood that all men have one Mind, one God and Father, one Life, Truth, and Love. Mankind will become perfect in proportion as this fact becomes apparent, war will cease and the true brotherhood of man will be established.” Mary Baker Eddy - Science & Health Page 467:9-10

“You look still with the body’s eyes, and they can see but thorns. Yet you have asked for and received another sight. Those who accept the Holy Spirit’s purpose as their own share also His vision. And what enables Him to see His purpose shine forth from every altar now is yours as well as His. He sees no strangers; only dearly loved and loving friends. He sees no thorns but only lilies, gleaming in the gentle glow of peace that shines on everything He looks upon and loves.” A Course in Miracles T-20.II.5:1-6

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